When is chickenpox contagious? The first symptoms and signs of crystal plague

Chickenpox is incredibly contagious, especially for children. But,Did you know you can spread chickenpox before the first red bump appears on your skin??

These are the early signs of chickenpox to watch out for.

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This time of year, cases of chickenpox are on the rise.

The itchy disease is most commonly associated with younger children, as it can spread rapidly in daycare or school classrooms.

However, you can get chickenpox at any age and can be more dangerous for adults and vulnerable people.

How is chickenpox spread?

Chickenpox is an infection caused by a virus extremely contagious.

The virus that causes chickenpox is called varicella zoster.

Chickenpox is transmitted through the air by coughing or sneezing, or by touching infected blisters.

If you haven’t had chickenpox yet and someone you live with gets it, it is almost impossible to avoid it.

chicken pox is extremely contagious.

you are more infectious a day or two before the chickenpox rash appearswhich means that it is possible spread the virus before you know you have it.

A person with chickenpox remains contagious until all spots have crusted over; this may take time about five days to a week after the rash appears.

If someone has chickenpox, or suspects they may be sick, you should avoid contact with the most vulnerable groups of people.

In the case of chickenpox, it is young babies, pregnant people, and anyone who is immunocompromised.

What are the symptoms of chicken pox?

You can take between 10 and 21 days after contracting the virus to experience symptoms.

The best known symptom is the red rash all over the bodybut some people feel sick before they develop a rash.

symptoms like Fever, headache, sore throat, and lack of appetite are associated with chickenpox.

The chickenpox rash can take about two weeks to go away.

How can chicken pox be treated?

Chickenpox symptoms can be incredibly irritating and, especially when young children have the infection, it can be very difficult to convince them to stop scratching the welts without causing an injury.

Most of the time, you can treat chickenpox at home. without the need to see a doctor.

These tips can help control the symptoms of chickenpox:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids
  • Wear soft cotton clothing to avoid irritation.
  • Cut your nails very short so you can’t scratch your skin too hard.
  • Consider giving young children mittens to stop them from scratching.
  • Wash even more regularly to avoid infection: some people find that an oatmeal or cornmeal bath also helps soothe the skin.

In older people, the most typical treatment is acyclovir. It is important that it is applied from the first day of rash, as it helps prevent skin rashes from spreading. We cannot forget that this is a virus of the herpes family.

Infection in adolescents and adults is usually more severe Y have a higher risk of complications, such as interstitial lung disease.