When a woman tries to save him, she finds a heartbreaking note

Lillian Engelhart was recently walking her dogs in the sweltering heat of Arizona (USA) when she suddenly noticed something and a chill ran down her spine.

As if he had called for help

© Reddit/Screenshot/doggddit

During the walk, something in the dog park caught her attention. It was a dog sitting there all alone.

Lillian looked around but couldn’t find an owner. First she wondered if the owner had run out of bags of poop bags.

Since the dog gave her no rest, she decided to going back to the car with their own furry friends.

© Reddit/Screenshot/doggddit

However, she didn’t leave. She watched to see if the owner would come back.

But the longer she waited, the more aware she became that the dog needed help. Finally it was over 30 degrees and he had nothing to drink.

Lilian went back to the dog and noticed that there was a message on the collar.

save this dog

© Montage: Reddit/Screenshot/doggddit (2)

She read the note. The owner of the animal then explains that he is not trained and that he has to leave him behind. He also asks to save the dog.

This news left Lillian stunned. When she walked towards him, he immediately wagged his tail wildly and licked her face with joy.

She did what was the right thing to do and took the dog home with her. There she baptized the abandoned man “Baloo”:

Baloo learns quickly

When Lillian started teaching Baloo the first commands, she quickly realized how much fun he had.

Baloo’s a real smart guy It did not last long and he understood «sit», «stay» and also when he was allowed on the sofa and when not.

The only thing missing is some time and patience. Especially when if you care for an animal with love, it just learns faster.

Lillian takes great care of him, but she is also looking for a real, long-term home for Baloo.

If a human finds themselves for Baloo, they will be rewarded with the best dog in the world in return for the love they give the dog. Lillian is quite sure of that.