What will be happening to Leonardo Urrego?

Leonardo Urrego is one of our station’s most beloved announcers and although he himself says “I am not a poet because a poet is anyone who works with intelligence” many believe the opposite.

Well, Leo showed that on weekends he gets #ADarleAtoms to everything he does, to his life, to his personal projects and obviously to his musical shifts.

We caught some videos of the announcer in his Instagram stories in which he let us see his chameleon-like behaviors while he performs his musical shifts in Vibra.

Of course, in the following video he showed a facet well known to all and it is when he does the program #DeNocheenlaCiudad where he lets out his most poetic side.

Finally, the diagnosis is that something strange is happening to Leo because his behavior has spread to Max Milfort who is passing through the capital.

Very rare, right? [email protected] we want to be like him…