What was a slave quarters like?


Early in the morning, the men were taken to the plantations, which were up to 1 kilometer away, and the women did the domestic chores in the big house.


There was only one meal at the end of the day. Insufficient food for nutrition was made in a large pot by the slaves, with hominy, beans and yams. Meat, very rarely


Armed men stood outside the slave quarters, guarding the doors to prevent escapes. They were also in charge of organizing expeditions to recapture escaped water, which the slaves used to wash themselves.


Slaves were viewed primarily as breeders. They also suffered sexual violence and were forced to participate in orgies with the farmers and their children and friends.


Slaves maintained ancient African rituals. Their dances were changing and gaining fighting movements, which served for self-defense, as in capoeira.


The price of a slave in the 19th century varied greatly depending on, for example, age. Some were worth 400 thousand réis, enough to buy a good place at the time

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The slaves stayed in a collective shed, with a low ceiling and no windows. They slept on the dirt floor or on wooden beds. A fire was lit to warm and light


Prohibited from practicing religious rituals in the slave quarters, slaves kept their spiritual leaders. And others told the younger ones about their gods and protective spirits


In general, men, women and children were in the same room. Some farms separated the three groups and others kept the children with their mothers until adolescence


Runaway or rebellious slaves were chained to logs in front of the slave quarters, as an example. Others had to walk around with shackles on their feet and neck.


Without running water, the slave quarters stank. Behind the shed were the latrines – pits in the ground – and barrels filled with water, which the slaves used to wash themselves.

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