What to do when a Taurus ignores you

Taurus zodiac signs are stubborn and when you don’t let a Taurus get away with it, you get the horns.

Anyone who has had a Taurus in their life has probably had to deal with this question before: What do I do when a Taurus ignores me?

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Taurus zodiac signs are just like all the others. They need time to process their emotions.

Nevertheless, some people need their space, while others will be even more offended if you don’t text them twenty times.

It is difficult to know what the best option is, but interpreting the needs of others and doing things right can help change the situation.

Our zodiac signs can help with this and today we want to focus on what to do when a Taurus ignores you.

There are a few reasons why a Taurus will ignore you: he may be busy, hurt, worried, indecisive or he may just be trying to punish you.

Whatever the reason, the situation is not hopeless.

Here’s what to do when a Taurus ignores you:

1. Give them space.

Nothing but patience will work with a Taurus.

If your Taurus is ignoring you, the best thing you can do is give them the time and space they need to work on whatever is going on.

They need their time to think about things and Chasing them won’t help.

This can be difficult when you don’t know why you’re being ignored, but it’s something you have to do.

Whether they’re upset with you or not It’s something they’ll tell you in due time; until then, it is better to wait for them and not intrude on their space.

2. Get straight to the point.

With Taurus you have to be open with feelings.

When it’s time for a chat (or if you just have one more message to send before backing off) make sure you’re honest and upfront about your feelings.

If you are in confusion, you must say so, even if there is a wound that hurts. The communication is very important.

Your feelings are just as valid, and a direct message about your confusion can prompt them to act.

It can be hard to sit back and wait for them to be ready for a serious conversation, but once it’s time, make sure to know exactly what you want to say and to be as honest as possible.

3. Don’t nag.

Teasing a Taurus who is in trouble is probably the worst thing you can do.

They have taken a moment for themselves for a reason and the last thing they want is to be bombarded with messages and calls.

You know they are ignoring you. They know they are ignoring you.

Annoying them will only delay resolution and put you in a position where you will be vulnerable.

Let them have their space, and in the meantime, distract yourself with something fun until they’re ready to talk.

4. Don’t use blame.

Don’t get too emotional.

This is similar to not scolding them to stop, and for good reason. Being too emotional with a Taurus will scare them away.

Being direct and being overly emotional are two very different things.

Taurus signs they admire honesty, but crying displays and screaming will get you nowhere.

If it’s time to talk, explain your thoughts and feelings rationally and clearly.

They will respect that more than anything else.

5. Do not act aggressively.

Don’t force the conversation.

Lastly, don’t force any Taurus who isn’t in the mood into an unpleasant situation. This will get you nowhere and will probably end up hurting you more.

If you try to get them to talk before they’re ready, it could annoy them even more.

Even if the reason they were ignoring you had nothing to do with you in the first place, forcing the conversation could make it about you.

You will know when a Taurus is ready to talk because they will come to you.

Being patient is the best option.