What to do if your dog has flatulence? 5 home remedies & 7 causes

Your dog farts and smells extremely?

As a rule, flatulence in dogs is harmless. Your darling has most likely just eaten a little too quickly or does not tolerate his dog food.

However, if the flatulence occurs more frequently and in connection with other symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian.

In this article we would like to inform you about the possible causes of flatulence in your dog and what you can do about it yourself.

For example, there are 5 different home remedies that you can use to effectively counteract flatulence in your dog.

In a nutshell: What helps with flatulence in dogs?

Flatulence in dogs is usually not a cause for concern. As the owner, you can give yourself and your dog relief in a variety of ways. For example, you can give your fart machine a gentle stomach massage, put it on bland food or change the dog food.

However, if flatulence occurs regularly and your fur nose is visibly in pain, you should consult your veterinarian. He can take a closer look at your best friend and initiate healing methods.

If you have concerns about your dog’s flatulence, you can also contact the online veterinarian Dr. Sam immediately book an online consultation with a veterinarian. You can consult veterinary advice 16 hours a day, 365 days a year and without waiting. Here you and your darling will be helped immediately and professionally.

The 5 best home remedies for smelly flatulence in dogs

1. Tea for dogs

Your dog farts and smells extremely?

A cup of tea can help.

The herbs and spices contained in the tea can relieve flatulence. In particular, caraway tea or a fennel-anise-caraway tea are very suitable. The ingredients of the two types of tea have a positive effect on your pet’s gastrointestinal tract.

Tea can not only help you and your dog with flatulence. Even if you have a cold, you should give your darling a cup of tea.

Thyme or chamomile tea are very suitable for this. The tea loosens mucus, kills bacteria and reduces inflammation.

2. Gentle abdominal massage

Another way to prevent bloating in dogs is to gently massage your abdomen. In this way the gases are released.

3. Cumin

Alternatively, you can also give your dog caraway for flatulence. Cumin is a tried and tested home remedy for flatulence. The essential oils and the carvone contained in cumin soothe your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

Good to know:

Cumin can be administered as an ingredient in dog food or as a cumin tea.

4. Healing Earth

Healing earth also has a positive effect on your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. You can easily mix it into his feed.

5. Carrot Soup

Moro’s carrot soup is considered one of the most effective home remedies for diarrhea.

To prepare it, boil 500 grams of carrots in 1 liter of water for 60 to 90 minutes and then puree them. Finally, add a teaspoon of salt.

Make sure the soup has cooled to room temperature before feeding it to your dog.

It is best to give him a small portion of soup about 4 to 5 times. The rule of thumb is 50 ml per kilogram of body weight per day.

Why do dogs fart? 7 causes of bloating

1. Food that is difficult to digest

Gas in your dog can be triggered by its food, among other things. He probably does not tolerate certain components and/or cannot digest them properly.

Difficult-to-digest foods for dogs include:

Good to know:

An allergy to certain foods can also cause gas in your dog.

2. Grain

Dog food often contains grains. Not all dogs tolerate this. So if your dog farts and has an extremely bad smell, it could be because of the grain content in the food. Switching to grain-free dog food could help here.

3. Feed change

Would you like to change your dog’s diet? Then this should not happen too quickly. Changing food too suddenly can cause flatulence in your darling.

4. Dairy products

Lactose can cause gas and diarrhea in dogs. Said lactose is found in dairy products. Puppies and adult dogs should therefore not be fed milk. Drinking water is much more suitable.

5. Proteins

Food that is too high in protein can also cause flatulence in your dog. First and foremost, the quality of the proteins is decisive. For example, the usable proteins in slaughterhouse waste are of inferior quality and can lead to severe flatulence in dogs.

6th race

Some dog breeds tend to have flatulence and diarrhea. Reference is made here explicitly to brachycephalic breeds, such as boxers or bulldogs.

7. Diseases

Flatulence in dogs can be attributed to increased gas formation in the intestine. This is usually not a cause for concern. In the worst case, the bloating can be traced back to a medical problem. If this is the case, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. The following diseases have flatulence and diarrhea as side effects:

When should I go to the vet for gas in my dog?

If your dog occasionally farts and is extremely stinky, don’t worry. Even if your dog farts and has diarrhea, there is usually nothing serious behind it. Your darling probably just ate something wrong.

However, if the flatulence lasts longer, is chronic and your dog develops visible symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian. This will examine your dog, listen and get to the bottom of the cause.

If your vet does not have time for you and your dog, you can contact the online veterinarian Dr. Sam book an online consultation with a vet immediately. You can consult veterinary advice 16 hours a day, 365 days a year and without waiting.

How can flatulence in dogs be avoided?

You can do something about flatulence in your dog with individual measures:

  • More exercise for better bowel function
  • Feed smaller portions more often instead of one large portion
  • Keep a close eye on dog food and nutrients
  • feed change
  • diet
  • medication
  • homeopathy


Many dogs of all breeds and ages experience gas and bloat occasionally. This is usually short-lived. The reason for this is the wrong dog food, an intolerance to certain foods or an overly greedy way of eating.

However, if the flatulence is chronic and your dog has visible symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian. Maybe your darling is suffering from a parasite infestation, problems in the gastrointestinal area or another illness. Your veterinarian can tell you more after an examination and initiate healing methods.

Alternatively, you can also use the online consultation hours from the online veterinarian Dr. claim Sam. This saves money, time and nerves.