What to do after a date with your ex?

If you have no idea what to do after a date with your ex, here are the keys to how to behave.

After ending a relationship, surely you do not want to see that person who caused pain again; and if love still persists, you don’t want to see it either, Don’t let him know your feelings!

But, And what if he calls you and asks you out? Suppose you say yes; you get divine for the occasion and go to dinner or a movie or have a coffee.

What to do after a date with your ex

Here we give you some tips not to mess it up in those later moments; How you behave after this reunion depends on whether the relationship continues or not.


Take some time to think about the relationship and, more importantly, why it ended. Ask yourself the following questions…

  • Is he still the same inconsiderate boy?
  • Did he give clear and direct signs of wanting to get back together with you?
  • Is he looking for you just because he needs a favor?
  • Does he approach you thinking that he will have easy sex because you are ex boyfriends?
  • Do you often dream of him?

analyze your feelings

What did you feel when you saw it? Try to find out if you still love him and, more importantly, if you would be interested in getting back together with him. Remember that sequels are useless when there are unhealed wounds.

Take it easy

Even though you have a history with that person, remember that each one already has their own life and, perhaps, neither you nor he are the samethat is why it is important that you take the reunion calmly and do not force it.

You already know what to do after a date with your ex, now see what NOT!

  • Don’t call him, better send him a little message thanking him for the invitation.
  • Don’t think that by going out again they’re back, don’t get your hopes up.
  • Do not claim him if he does not call you, they are no longer together!
  • Do not go to bed with him thinking that this is how he will return to you.

With information from: perfect guest Y be seductive