What psychologists really do. Tasks and functions to help in therapy – Online Psychologists

Go to the psychologist It is a personal decision that is usually made in privacy and in a thoughtful manner. It is not something that is needed impulsively, but rather it arises from the need to go to therapy when something in our life is not right or we are not able to control it.

Given the impossibility of resolving it within the family, with social support or individually, the intervention of a professional becomes necessary. In the case of online therapy things do not change, only the channel. The patient receives personalized treatment in each case from a online psychologist that serves well via video conference or chat.

The Mental Health It is still surrounded by enormous stigmas (unfortunately). However, the most common consultations on the couch are not serious illnesses, but rather small interferences in our lives that do not make us happy: relationship problems, grief after a break-up, inability to overcome infidelity, fears, phobias, anxiety, life crises…

But how does a psychologist really help? These are our tasks.

The role of the psychologist. How he or she works to resolve the patient's needs in therapy

Some of the Tasks performed by the clinical psychologistaccording to the research work carried out by the Madrid Clinical Psychology Map Commission published in Papeles del Psicólogo.

  • Clinical diagnosis. Psychological diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up.
  • Guidance and advice. Psychological counselling aimed at promoting health and preventing health problems.
  • Treatment of psychological problems (therapies and psychotherapies). Psychological rehabilitation.
  • Treatment of psychosomatic problems.
  • Treatment of sexual problems.
  • Re-education of learning problems.
  • Assessment, treatment or rehabilitation of mental disabilities.
  • Early stimulation. Helps children and adolescents.
  • Psychomotricity.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Psychoprophylaxis.
  • Community psychology.
  • Research. Conduct studies and research in the different areas and fields of psychology
  • Experimental Psychology. Construct and develop psychological methods, techniques and instruments.
  • Psychotechnical tests: Human Figure Drawing, Rorschach, Desiderative Questionnaire,…

Other tasks, also important, are:

  • Expert reports.
  • Private law: advice on adoption, child custody, discernment of guardianships, custody, separation and situations arising from family law.
  • Public law. Expertise, rehabilitation of convicted persons, those under guardianship, those released and their families.
  • Occupational risk prevention. Detecting the psychological causes of workplace accidents, advising and carrying out activities aimed at preventing them.
  • Career guidance. Support in finding a career and occupation.
  • HR. Develop psychological profiles in different work environments based on job and task analysis.
  • Health Programs. Participate, from a psychological perspective, in the planning, execution and evaluation of health and social action plans and programs.

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