What other religions use the cross as a symbol? What means?

1) cross Christian

It is the most famous symbol of Christianity, used as a reminder of the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for humanity. It also represents the victory of the Son in God over death and can be presented with the image of the crucified Christ himself (in this case, it bears the name in crucifix). Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, some branches of Lutheranism and Anglicanism often make the sign of the cross about themselves as a demonstration in faith for the respective doctrine.

2) Foot in hen

A cross popularly called in foot in hen represents communication between the world of death and that of resurrection. It is believed that if this mark is seen next to the bed in someone who ended up in passing away, the person’s soul gained wings. already the symbol in “peace and love”, formed by a cross foot in inverted chicken inside in a circle, was created during the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, in the 60s. This symbol has already been confused with the Cross in black, or Cross in Saint Peter (one cross inverted), also linked to Satanism. But everything doesn’t pass in a misunderstanding, because according to the creator of the icon of peace, Gerald Holtom, the format refers to a human being in despair, with his arms down in a sign in supplication, not Satan.

3) tau

Very old symbol, this cross is the sign in three great deities: the Sun god in Sumerian mythology, the Roman god Mithras and the Greek god Attis. According to legends, they all died and were resurrected, which refers to the Sun, which sets every night and rises again the next day. It is popularly known as Cross of Thieves, because it would have been used in the crucifixion of criminals alongside in Jesus Christ. Also used by San Francisco in Assisi – today it is recognized as a sign of the Franciscan Order.

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4) cross loop

This symbol appears in many works in art and funerary items from ancient Egypt. For the Egyptians, the Ankh, as it was called, would be a key to the gates of death in the afterlife. Ankh is a hieroglyph that means «life». Its format is in one cross tau with a circle at the top, which can represent male and female genitalia, the union between heaven and earth, and even the sun rising over the horizon. The connection with the Sun makes this symbol usually drawn in gold. For Coptic Christians, descendants of the Egyptians who embraced Christianity in the 1st century, the Ankh symbolizes the afterlife.

5) Orthodox algiz

With two lines at the top and one slanted at the bottom. in down, this cross It is mostly used by the Orthodox Church. Visually, it is based on the Cross Christian. In the upper additional bar would be the inscription INRI, which means Jesus in Nazareth, King of the Jews. The sloping lower bar symbolizes two directions, Heaven and Hell, and also the fate of the thieves who were crucified on the side. in Jesus. The one on the right, who repented, went to heaven. The other doesn’t…

6) Papal

Used in ecclesiastical heraldry (which identifies religious by in coats of arms and shields), this cross it is the emblem of the pope, religious leader of the Catholic Church. The three sequential bars are usually related to the Holy Trinity, formed by Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But, as there is no specific symbolism, it is also speculated that they may represent a ladder, symbolizing the steps that need to be taken to paradise.

7) Cross Templar

She is also known as Cross in Saint John, Cross Maltese, Cross Pátea, among other denominations. This gives an idea of ​​the popularity of this symbol: there are eight final points and the drawing of the number 8, horizontally, is a symbol of infinity and the cycle of life (death and rebirth). This is one of the reasons in this image also be called in Cross of Regeneration. A Cross Templar is the mark of the Knights in Saint John, members of the Templar Order, organization that emerged at the time of the Crusades to protect Christians who pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In Brazil in today, this cross is one of the symbols of the team from Rio de Janeiro Vasco da Gama.

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