What it means to find a doll in your house (or head of a doll)

What it means to find a doll in your house / What it means to find a doll’s head You have found an unusual looking doll on your doorstep or in the parking lot. It gives you a creepy feeling just by looking at it and wondering what does this mean?

We will then explain not only what it means to find a doll in your house, but also how to identify if it is a negative type of work and what should be done about it.


General features

Dolls have been part of the human race since prehistoric times, offered as gifts to kings, used in temples to represent saints, regularly washed and dressed in handmade clothes, and carried between harvests to intercede on behalf of God. men.

They are related to the symbols of the elf, the gnome, the fairy and the dwarf. In fables they represent the profound wisdom of the psyche.

Dolls were made of clay or wood and were used to represent religious figures or as toys. Many have been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 2000 BC, made of painted clay, without joints or only outlined, some still have hair decorated with beads strung on wood or clay.

Other very simple dolls have been found as part of grave goods, made with movable arms that suggest they were toys. In addition, they had their own miniature beds and furniture.

For several centuries, mothers sewed dolls for their children or girls made them themselves from wood, clay, stone or, more simply, cloth and thread. Other early examples of Roman and Greek dolls used as games, or wooden dolls dedicated to goddesses, have been found.

Throughout the centuries, Europe has been a major center for doll production. From 1800 dolls began to be made of wood pulp or paper, a useful material to be mass produced.

Porcelain, on the other hand, became popular at the beginning of the 19th century. Fine porcelain Biscuit dolls were introduced in the late 1860s, intended for today’s collector’s market.

It is important to point out that many rites use dolls (or human representation) for various purposes (love, causing harm, etc.). Now, let’s explain what it means to find a doll in your house and what it means to find a doll’s head.


its symbolism

A person who wants to do harm can use any kind of doll they want. It doesn’t have to be the stereotypical ugly doll with some of your personal effects attached to it.

Sometimes it can be as innocent looking as a sweet baby doll that is the object of any girl’s affection and there have even been cases of people using Brat dolls that you can find in any department store. In this sense, we explain the following:

What does it mean to find a doll in your house with its face painted black? The fact that his face is painted that color is not a good sign and it is most likely a job to cause harm to someone who lives inside that house.

What does it mean to find a doll in your house without feet? This is another indication that this doll may have been intentionally tampered with in an attempt to cast a curse on someone. Removing his feet is consistent with the general principle of using shocking imagery to psychologize a target. Furthermore, what is done to the doll can be seen as a metaphor for what is intended to be done to the victim. For example, removing his feet is consistent with immobilizing a person.

What does it mean to find a doll in your house dressed as a bride? We learned of the case of a person who found a doll dressed as a bride at the door of his house. At first glance, he told us that it looked like a beautiful doll. But upon closer examination, upon removing her veil, it became apparent that her hair had been cut.

The reason his hair had been cut can only be guessed at. Healthy hair is a symbol of health and youth. Perhaps the author of the negative work was jealous of the person in question. He maybe he wanted to make her ugly, insane or take away her femininity. Or maybe he just wanted his hair to fall out.

Historically, the hair it is linked to power, punishment and status. Heads were shaved in concentration camps as a form of punishment and humiliation, and shaving a woman’s hair has been practiced as a form of punishment for women with long hair, especially.

Do you remember the story of Samson and Delilah? Samson foolishly tells Delilah that the source of her strength is her hair. And what does she do? He tells her servants to shave her hair. Not only does this make him lose her strength and power, but it is in direct violation of an order from God. So God no longer protects him, he is captured by the Philistines and blinded with hot pokers and imprisoned.

What does it mean to find a doll’s head? Likewise, some people have told us that they have found only the head of a doll. In this case, the person who has used this type of ritual usually fills the head with some negative element (ash, graveyard earth, etc.) to do damage.


What should be done?

If you rule out the possibility that it is a simple toy accidentally left by a neighbor’s child and it is rather the result of some ritual, it is recommended to do the following:

It is important when finding a doll anywhere outside your house (door, garden, stairs, etc.) not to touch it directly with your hand.

To remove it, you must first sprinkle the doll with holy water trying to make crosses on it and at the same time invoke SArchangel Michael for your protection.

Then you must use a stick or broomstick (which you must break in two later) and try to place the doll (or the doll’s head) inside a large black plastic bag. Put in also the pieces of the broom.

Take the bag to the most distant place (preferably vacant) from your house and place the bag there and without looking back; return home.

When you get home, you must light incense from rue or sage in each room.

Finally, it is advisable to start a novena to Saint Michael the Archangel that same day.

We hope in this way that we have explained what it means to find a doll in your house and what it means to find a doll’s head, and if you have any questions, you can send them to our email.


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