Process/task name: YTDownloader
The YTDownloader.exe file and task is detected by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware security program as PUP.Optional.Goobzo. The file is located at %ProgramFiles%\YTDownloader.
Maybe it has been installed together with another program without even noticing it, if this is the case, it is suggested to remove it.
It is usually launched together with Windows under the name of YTDownloader and the command or file YTDownloader.exe.
Tip: The user decides whether or not to let the YTDownloader task start together with the system if he thinks it is necessary.
Do you want to know if YTDownloader.exe is a virus or malware? See: Is YTDownloader.exe a virus?
Errors or problems with the YTDownloader.exe file? Write to us and we will reply as soon as possible. IMPORTANT: remember to say the version of your operating system, the time and/or place where the error appears, and any other information that you think is relevant to help find the solution.