What is wormwood used for in witchcraft esoteric properties and in the Bible

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft About wormwood we have received several questions such as: Does wormwood have esoteric properties? Does wormwood have spiritual significance? What is the meaning of wormwood in the Bible? Could you post about the biblical meaning wormwood? What is wormwood used for in witchcraft?

Below we are going to give answers to all these questions about wormwood, but first, let’s see its general and botanical aspects.


General features

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a herbaceous, perennial species of Artemisia native to Eurasia and North Africa. It has a hard, woody rhizome and multiple straight stems reaching about a meter in length with leaves arranged in a spiral pattern along its length. This gives it a rather bushy look.

The leaves are silvery in appearance, greenish-gray above and white below, with a fine layer of fuzz. The leaves are deeply toothed and have a feathery appearance.

The flowers appear from July to October. They are yellow and interesting but not very pretty. They occur in clusters that cling to the branch with their round faces pointing toward the ground. In the end they give way to a hard and dry seed that falls to the ground.

Wormwood can grow wild in many areas. Look for it in dry debris patches, in crevices, and along rocky slopes where it can get good sun. Next, we answer the question what is wormwood used for in witchcraft.


Its magical uses

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft #1 Increase psychic powers The scent of wormwood is said to increase psychic powers. It is burned with incense on Samhain to aid invocation, divination, clairvoyance and the prophecy.

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft #2 Protection It is especially good when combined with mugwort and strengthens incenses for protection. Hanging from a rear view mirror, wormwood is said to protect vehicles from accidents on treacherous roads. Wormwood is burned to ward off wandering spirits.

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft #3 Helps a person calm down Wormwood is used to relieve anger and allow the user to discharge it more peacefully. It can also be used in magic to prevent conflict or war.

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft #4 Initiation It is used in feminine rites, probably especially in those that refer to the rites of passage from child to maiden, and would probably be a good complement to the rites of celebration of menarche. It is used in initiation rites, especially those prior to testing times.

What is wormwood used for in witchcraft #5 Love spells It is also used in amulets and spells to attract a lover, and is associated with the lovers card in the tarot. It is sacred to the Goddess of maidens, and may be used for divination and scrying as part of an incense or perhaps as a weak tea to drink before scrying, or as a wash for instruments used.


Other uses

Wormwood esoteric and healing properties #1 against poisoning In ancient times, people used the plant to counter poisoning by hemlock and various mushrooms.

Wormwood esoteric and healing properties #3 Against snakes Wormwood also has a strong association with snakes, as it is said to be the first plant to grow in the serpent path leaving the Garden of Eden. According to Culpepper, wormwood could be used to treat snake bites, as well as bee, wasp, and scorpion stings.

Wormwood esoteric and healing properties # 3 To relieve problems of the digestive system One of the common names of wormwood is green ginger, a name that was given in allusion to its medicinal properties in common with the ginger. Historically, wormwood has been used to treat a number of ailments many of which have been vindicated by science. It is best used as a bitter for digestive problems such as indigestion, gas, and bloating.

Wormwood esoteric and healing properties #4 Eliminates intestinal parasites It is widely used to eliminate worms, particularly roundworms and pinworms.

L Wormwood esoteric and healing properties # 5 To reduce fever It is also used to reduce fever and fight general infections, in the same way as ginger.

Wormwood esoteric and healing properties # 6 To facilitate childbirth Wormwood has been used to strengthen contractions and ease labor pains and to induce menstruation and ease related bloating symptoms.


In the Holy Scriptures

Meaning of wormwood in the Bible (spiritual meaning wormwood) #1 in the old testament Solomon used the word wormwood in the same context as Jeremiah and the prophet Amos. Solomon used the word wormwood as something that leads to a bitter end.

The “forbidden” woman is obviously someone with whom the man is forbidden to have sex, but does so anyway and it could well lead to sexually transmitted diseases, divorce, and even death (Sheol).

That is a very bitter end as a two-edged sword can be fatal. The Hebrew word that Solomon uses is “la`anah” which means “bitterness”. Jeremiah uses the word bitterness and wormwood interchangeably.

Amos also speaks of wormwood in two verses (Amos 5:6-7) and (6:12). In all cases where it is used, the Old Testament authors used wormwood in association with bitterness and this led to a bitter ending, every time.


Meaning of wormwood in the Bible (spiritual meaning wormwood) #2 In the New Testament The apostle John writes the only verse in the New Testament with the word wormwood in Revelation 8:11. He wrote about a great star that fell from heaven and will burn like a torch. The name of the star is Wormwood.

However, angels are sometimes referred to as stars, especially in the Old Testament. Perhaps this «star» is an angel carrying out God’s judgment. If not, it could very well be a real meteor hitting the earth and polluting 1/3 of the earth’s fresh water supply.

Is John describing a meteorite when he writes that «a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch» and «and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water» and somehow the «waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had become bitter”?

This «star» is part of the Third Trumpet or woes of God, since these trumpets are also referred to as «woes» which is a word that means judgment, but more than judgment, it is giving the verdict and the punishment and there is still three more to come (Rev 8:13).

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Pure wormwood oil is very dangerous and should not be taken internally.

Do not take wormwood for more than two weeks in a row.

Side effects and signs that it is time to reduce or stop using wormwood include. nausea, vomiting, insomnia, excessive thirst, restlessness, vertigo, dizziness, tremors, numbness of extremities, delirium, paralysis, convulsions and fits.

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