What is work-life balance? ⚖️​ – Online Psychologists

One of the most fashionable terms of recent times is conciliation. Multiple ways have appeared to be able to promote a correct distribution of hours between leisure, tasks of each individual's personal life and work. This is what the defenders of the work-life balance: more time to be with your family or have a fun time with your friends without thinking about work.

What does it mean work-life balance?

This concept, used mainly in Anglo-Saxon countries, proposes a new way of seeing the world of work. Its name refers to the balance that must exist between time dedicated to leisure and work. Personal and professional life will improve considerably if you find that work-life balancewhich we can literally translate as «balance between personal life and work.»

It is logical that people want to be comfortable and at ease at their workplace, since it may be the place where they spend the greatest number of hours of the day. However, it is also important to ensure the quality of life, that is, the mental and physical well-being that should be present in all aspects of life.

Why is it so essential for the worker to work-life balance?

To achieve the perfect balance between the work environment and the personal side of the worker, you need the Involvement of the employee himself, of course, employers and governmentsThis is important because an increase in the quality of life of these people will lead to an increase in the feeling of belonging to the company and greater productivity.

He work-life balance It is a concept that has gained strength in recent times thanks to the new technologies. New developments such as teleworking have changed workers' expectations and have allowed companies to give workers more flexibility. Some of the companies that are betting on teleworking work-life balance:

  • They create a pleasant and friendly work environment.
  • They provide childcare for the children of its employees.
  • They provide supplies and learning materials for the children of workers.
  • They provide access to a private policy insurance.
  • Dan leisure to the workers.
  • Allow flexible schedules during the seasons of the year.
  • They grant special postpartum leave.
  • They allow the telecommuting on certain days.
  • They provide training through courses and seminars online or in person to promote the professional, personal and family growth of employees.

Are you feeling stressed by the complexity of balancing your personal and professional life? Don't hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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What are its drawbacks?

Companies that promote the work-life balance They are highly valued by emerging talents, who obtain information from the employees within the company. However, these companies must be careful, as there are also drawbacks:

  • Lack of defined schedules: Employees themselves sometimes request to work overtime simply to fill their free time.
  • Monitor employee conduct: Too many workers have a short-term vision of their work and their stay in the company is limited simply until the moment when another company increases their current salary.
  • Understanding the personal life of each employee: It is key to take into account the family aspect of each employee: if they have a formed core group, if they have quality free time for adequate mental health and care for themselves.

In Psychia We have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

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