What is Vaseline used for on the face? you will love her from now on

What is Vaseline used for on the face? If you are asking yourself this question, we want to give you good news and that is that from now on it will be your best ally for skin care.

This product is derived from petroleum and although this black natural substance would initially generate many doubts about its use in cosmetics, now there are many companies in the beauty industry that include it in their products. Vaseline has even been used since the days of grandmothers to moisturize the skin and thanks to the fact that it is very cheap, it is not lacking in any home.

We want to show you what rice water is for and, incidentally, tell you the most hidden secrets of Vaseline for skin care through easy masks or basic applications that will help you look radiant.

What is Vaseline with lemon on the face for?

When one least expects it, spots could begin to appear on the face as a result of exposing the skin to UV rays or after suffering from acne. Vitamin C is perhaps a great ally for the face and for returning normal pigmentation to the dermis. Try making a homemade face mask by mixing Vaseline with coconut oil and lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face and let it act for about 15 minutes. Finally wash your face with plenty of warm water. You should only use this mask at night, since the lemon compounds are activated during the day and could stain the skin more.

What is Vaseline used for in the eyebrows?

It seems to be something quite rare, but the truth is that Vaseline applied to the eyebrows could have a positive action on the pores and the inner layers of the dermis since it would hydrate and repair the hairy tissues. In addition, it would make your eyebrows look more populated and defined, restoring their natural nutrition and coloring to the hair. If you want to obtain these benefits, you should only apply it at night before going to bed directly on both eyebrows.

What is Vaseline used for on the face at night?

It is known that this is one of the substances that offers the greatest amount of good fat to the skin. During the night, it would act to return moisture, preventing dryness. Another great advantage that its night application would have is that it would effectively reduce wrinkles, while it could deflate the eyelids and cheeks when left to act while you sleep. Also, it would be an alternative to recover the moisture of the lips to prevent them from getting skinny. Remember not to overuse it and do it twice a week maximum.

What is Vaseline with honey on the face for?

These two natural components are the beauty secret to fight aging in many homes. This marriage could attenuate expression lines, the popular chicken feet, as well as make the top layer of the skin hydrate quickly. Make a mask by melting two tablespoons of Vaseline, one tablespoon of honey, and one egg white. Mix these ingredients and apply them all over your face, leaving them to act for 20 minutes. Remove at the end with plenty of cold water. This mask should only be used at night and a maximum of 3 times a week.

What is Vaseline with honey used for on the eyelids?

Believe it or not, petroleum jelly can also make dry skin on your eyelids go away. In case you are noticing that these are getting a little scaly, you could apply a small amount of pure Vaseline at night. Do it by very gently massaging the eyelids so that they absorb this component. For added moisture and protection, apply Vaseline when your skin is damp. For no reason let this substance come into direct contact with your eyes as it will immediately irritate them.

At Vibra, we know that your well-being is the most important thing and for that reason we tell you what vitamin E is for, it would help you look beautiful!