What is Tupi-Guarani mythology like?

Illustrates Danyael Lopes
Edition Felipe van Deursen

Based on a structure created by the Jesuits. O «tupi-guarani” is the generic term for a group of indigenous languages ​​in South America. mythology of the people who spoke the tupi-Guarani did not have a well-defined hierarchy until contact with Europeans. In the catechization process undertaken by the Jesuits, the idea was first to know their myths and then modify them and create parallels with Christianity, which would facilitate conversion. That’s what happened to Tupã, who was elevated by the missionaries to the category of main deity for resembling Christian values. Another example is Jurupari, who was more popular than Tupã before the Jesuits, but who came to be seen as the chief of demons and evil spirits.

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the first
Nhanvecuruçu is the oldest deity, existing since before the creation of the Universe. It manifests itself in the form of an energy. Often, he and Tupã are represented as being the same entity, as they have the same archetypes.

The prince
Tupã, creator of the Universe and god of the climate, manifests himself through thunder. He created matter from two souls, one negative and one positive. Then he descended into the region of Monte Aregúa, in present-day Paraguay, and created everything that exists today.

the creator
Jaci is the goddess of the night and the Moon. Some legends point to her as the wife of Tupã and also say that she helped him in the creation of the Universe and men. Jaci was responsible for bringing beauty to the newly created Earth

the queen of waters
Iara is the protector of all aquatic life forms. When Tupã made the rivers, lakes and seas, he created Iara to protect them. In most narratives, she appears as a mermaid with green hair who lives in the Amazon River. In others, as a protective spirit present in every river

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The defender
Caaporã is the protector of all forms of life on Earth. Often represented as Caipora or Curupira, it lives in all forests protecting animals from hunters, whom it deceives with noises and wrong tracks.

First generation
Tupave (father of peoples) and Sypave (mother of peoples) were the first human beings. Tupã made man from a clay statue and woman from a combination of various elements of nature. With the breath of life, Tupã left them with good and evil within each one. Tupave and Sypave had three sons and several daughters.

Second generation
The most famous sons of Tupave and Sypave are Tumé Arandatu, Jepeusá, Mangaratu and Porâzy. Tumé Arandatu was known for his wisdom. Jepeusá was a thief who killed himself and became a crab

Mangaratu was a generous leader whose daughter, Kerana, was kidnapped by an evil spirit and had seven cursed children

Porâsy then sacrificed himself to defeat the seven monsters and save his niece.

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Consultancy Marco Antônio Domingues Teixeira, professor of History at the Federal University of Rondônia

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