What is the symbology of the different types of star?

1) Pentagram inverted

Unlike the pentagramO pentagram inverted has a more sinister interpretation, as one of the symbols of modern occultism. Based on a design by French occultist Stanislas de Guaita, the pentagram with two legs up, inscribed in a circle and with a goat’s head inside is the logo of the Church of Satan. The occultist Aleister Crowley also made use of the pentagram inverted, symbolizing the descent of spirit into matter.

2) Pentagram

A star of five points can be found in pottery fragments of more than 4000 years. However, the symbol was popularized by Pythagoras, who claimed that 5 was the number of man, as both soul and body could be divided into five parts. One of the first documented uses of this star it was made precisely by followers of Pythagoras, as a secret symbol to recognize themselves. In addition to the pagans, the pentagram it was also (or is) used by practitioners of Christianity, druidism, alchemy, tarot and kabbalah. In magic, it is considered an important symbol of power.

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3) Hexagram

Commonly known as the Star of David, the hexagram is a simple design of two equilateral triangles forming a six-pointed star. The triangle with the point facing upwards represents fire, and the inverted triangle water. In alchemy, this hexagram refers to the seven planets, with the inclusion of the Moon at the top and the Sun at the center of the design. In Judaism, the Star of David became more popular from 1897 onwards. In yellow color, it was used to identify prisoners of concentration camps during Nazism. Even though it was a symbol of the persecution of the Jews, in the post-war period it became a sign of honor and pride.

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4) Unicursal Hexagram

The strange name refers to the star of six points that can be drawn with a continuous line, instead of two overlapping triangles of the hexagram of the Star of David. In magic, the fact of having a single line adds to the symbol the meaning of perenniality, that is, no force or entity can break through that barrier of protection. Although it is best known in a version with a five-leaf clover in the center (used by the Thelema sect), the unicursal hexagram has appeared more in more popular media, such as in the manga Yu-Gi-Oh! (in the Seal of Orichalcos) and in the Supernatural series, in the episode “While Time Passes”, from the eighth season.

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5) Heptagram

That star The seven-pointed sign can have different meanings, but they are all related to the idea of ​​a “holy thing,” such as the seven days of the week, the seven planets in ancient tradition, the seven magical metals, or the seven pillars of wisdom. For the ancient Egyptians, the heptagram recalled the seven spheres of the afterlife and the seven sages that the soul would meet on its journey. In Kabbalah, this symbol corresponds to the seventh sphere on the Tree of Life, called Netzach, or Victory. In Christianity, the heptagram is the symbol of God’s perfection. British occultist Aleister Crowley also used a heptagram in his Mark of the Beast, and a variation of this staron the seal of the Order Astrum Argentum.

6) Octagram

Formed by two equal squares, superimposed at 45 degrees in the same center, this octagram is called Star of Lakshmi in Hinduism. In this belief, each end of the star represents the eight kinds of riches bestowed by the goddess Lakshmi. In Islam, the octagram is called the Rub el Hizb and is used in many Islamic emblems and flags. The symbol is also used as a marker for the end of a chapter in Arabic script.

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