What is the strongest animal on the planet?

Before deciding which is the most powerful animal in the world, it is necessary to establish a comparative criterion between the main competitors. We, from , chose to award the trophy to the animal that managed to lift the heaviest load in relation to its mass. Based on this, the winner is the rhinoceros beetle, the name given to several species of beetles in the Scarabaeidae family. This insect measures just 13 centimeters and is capable of supporting a volume equivalent to 850 times its body weight on its back! To give you an idea of ​​the feat of this little animal, it is as if a 70-kilogram man could carry something that weighed 60 tons, the weight of 60 Volkswagen Beetles together. Also known as the elephant beetle or the Hercules beetle, our winner is mostly found in tropical forests. The nickname “rhinoceros” came about because the animal has a kind of horn on its head – just like huge African mammals, beetles also use this rod to fight. And, if you bet all your chips on the certainty that the elephant was the strongest animal on the planet, there remains one consolation: in absolute terms, no living being can overcome it in terms of strength. After all, elephants support about 2 thousand kilograms. But that’s only 33% of its weight – far less, in percentage terms, than the load lifted by the tiny rhinoceros beetle.

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