What is the strawberry for? A fruit with delicious benefits

you may not know yet what is the strawberry for but surely you will have tasted its sweet flavor and in this way, you may have taken advantage of its health benefits.

Although the strawberry is one of the most recognized fruits in many parts of the world due to its delicious flavor and easy adaptability to recipes from the world of salt and sweets, we rarely stop to think about its properties for health and what way would be useful to help us with cosmetic and body care in general. Well, it’s time for you to know all the secrets that this fruit has for you.

At Vibra, we want to show you what soursop is for and, incidentally, tell you in which cases the strawberry could be your best ally in health care through these useful tips:

Strawberry in the face what is it for

Naturally, this is one of the fruits that most easily and quickly moisturizes your skin. Strawberry has among its components a high presence of vitamin C and water, which is why it would help you keep the skin very well hydrated and the dermis smoother and healthier. Remember that vitamin C favors the production of natural collagen, so the strawberry could also help you keep the skin free of toxins and rejuvenated, since it would serve to eliminate wrinkles and expression lines.

What is strawberry fasting for?

It is well known that the strawberry is one of the fruits that contains the highest content of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These substances would be indicated to keep the large intestine free of toxins, healthy and at the same time could help purify waste without complications (constipation). As for antioxidants, using the strawberry would help the absorption of key nutrients for the development and proper functioning of organs such as the colon. In this way, the strawberry in some cases would help to lose weight when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.

What is strawberry used for in hair?

Among the basic components that strawberries contain are phospholipids, ceramides and sterols, substances that would have powerful functions to quickly rehydrate the scalp. Through the regular consumption of strawberries and also through homemade masks, you could notice in a short time issues, your hair would be hydrated, it would stop being dry at the ends (forks). This fruit could also provide greater luminosity and strength to the hair.

What is strawberry good for in pregnancy?

Strawberries would be attributed good properties that would serve to better carry the symptoms of pregnancy. For example, the contribution of water and fiber would be useful to reduce constipation in certain stages of pregnancy. Also, the strawberry would be important for its high load of folic acid since it would help protect babies against neural tube defects; additionally, it would be vital to provide oxygen to the blood, thus improving its circulation.

What is strawberry good for in smoothies?

If there is a marriage of fruits that is very good for health, it is that of strawberries with bananas. With a smoothie made from these two fruits, the body would receive a high dose of energy but without filling it with calories. In addition, this pair of fruits would be a high source of potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid that would also be of great help for the care of muscles and a way to avoid sports injuries when consumed before or after exercise routines.

At Vibra you have everything you need to know about well-being just a click away, and for this reason, we tell you what rosemary oil is for and its benefits.