What is the spiritual dimension? Find peace and harmony

Many times we don’t know what is the spiritual dimension and for this reason, it is difficult for us to find within ourselves the ability to be happy and at peace.

In everyday life full of work, stress, anxiety and little free time, it is not an easy task to find spaces to calm down and be at peace. When we hear about the spiritual dimension, we may think that it is an exclusive subject for Tibetan monks or something like that, but the truth is that any human being can develop the inner capacities to create and expand this dimension.

If you urgently need to know the benefits of yoga and the reasons to practice this ancient discipline or you want to understand well what the story of the spiritual dimension is like, then we will tell you everything we know:

What is the spiritual dimension of the human being?

This is defined as the deepest inner experience of the person. Through this dimension, mind and body can achieve the meaning and purpose of life’s own actions, finding the reason for existence. These answers can be found through normal thought, meditation, reasoning and acting no matter what the external conditions are. The most relevant aspect of the spiritual dimension is to enjoy the daily experience of being alive.

What is the importance of the spiritual dimension of the human being?

This activity and conviction often focuses on things beyond the individual. One of those important conditions of the spiritual dimension is to make use of the personal creative potential, to see life from a 360-degree perspective and to take advantage of it keeping in mind one’s own aspirations and convictions. There are those who are also strengthened in the religious aspect, since this activity of calming the mind includes practices associated with faith, belief or moral values ​​that are essential for these people.

What elements make up the spiritual dimension?

It is often said that the human being has 4 fundamental dimensions for his existence:
Physical Dimension: It means taking care of the physical body, eating a good diet, getting enough rest and exercising in any way you want.
Spiritual Dimension: it is the core of the value system and your most private area of ​​life. You can cultivate it through literature, music or contact with nature.
Mental dimension: largely achieved by quieting noisy voices within you. Through meditation, reading culture and transparent behaviors you can cultivate it.
Social/emotional dimension: emotional life develops sometimes, starting from the quality of your relationships with others and in them your pleasure or social anxiety is manifested.

What is the transcendent spiritual dimension?

It is usually defined as spiritual intelligence. In addition, it is said that the ability to transcend, to go beyond the physical and social, beyond the body and emotions. Another of its components is that it manages the ability to relate harmoniously with our entire environment: people, energies, nature, etc. Also, it promotes internal values ​​and self-esteem that every human being should feel.

What is the spiritual dimension in children?

In the case of children, it manifests as a system of beliefs that are instilled from the example of parents and their way of explaining their relationship with the world. Additionally, the development of the spiritual dimension in childhood is based on 4 pillars that stimulate their individual, collective and belief being:

  • Integrity.
  • Authentic values.
  • Solidity of its ethical and moral principles.
  • Inner wealth, open and transcendent humanism in relationships.

In addition, you will be interested in knowing what meditation is for, a very useful ancient routine for you! Share our content on your social networks.