What is the South Node in Astrology? Meaning in each Sign and house of the Natal Chart

Perhaps there is a lot of information on the internet about the north node, because it guides us towards the future, but how to understand in which direction to move, if we do not know where we come from? The south node matters, and a lot, since thanks to this point of the natal chart we can better understand who we are.

today we tell you what is the south node and its meaning, closely linked to the karma of past lives, as well as the astrological house and the sign in which it falls. After this article we will have a rough idea of the learning that our soul accumulates without our knowing it.

What is the south node in astrology?

| MagicHoroscope.com

As we already pointed out in the introduction, the South Node tells us what we have already learned in previous lives. The south node is opposed to the north node, which is the one that gives us information about what we have to learn in this reincarnation.

It is important to understand what we have incorporated “as standard”, and therefore our natural tendency. In fact, you can see the South Node as a suitcase, it is the burden that we bring with us for this life. In that suitcase there are both good and bad things. This lunar node teaches us that life is a constant overcoming of obsessions on the way to our full being. It teaches us to leave our comfort zone.

How to calculate the south node?

Once the natal chart is calculated, we see that the south node it is diametrically opposite the north node in the birth chart. For example, if our North Node is in Aries in the 1st House, the South Node will therefore be in Libra in the 7th House.

Meaning of the South Node in each zodiac sign

The sign of the zodiac in which the south node is located will reveal the type of personality our karma hasis the summary of all past experiences.

South Node in Aries

We are good at sending, show us authoritarian and have initiative. One of the worst compulsions with a South Node in Aries is perhaps the tendency to antisocial behaviors.

South Node in Taurus

Comfort is something to tend to and that is usually found relatively easily. However, for our soul to evolve, we need risk using all our mental capacity to create a creative project.

South Node in Gemini

We feel comfortable in uncertainty and in the face of multiple open options. But this prevents us from choosing and delving into the projects, running the risk that everything is left halfway. With this node the essential is set a scale of solid values and advance with a strong step in a single direction, because otherwise the soul does not evolve.

South Node in Cancer

Our familiar terrain is emotions and feelings, these cause great security. But the problem with this is that it is difficult to achieve independence. The most likely with this node is that we live in our parents’ house much more than necessary, It’s hard to find your own place in the world.

South Node in Leo

in previous lives we have exploited our creativity and known how to lead others. The counterpoint to this is that perhaps we abuse the drama and now a calmer vision is necessary. You have to control the tendency to exaggerate everything, and learn that small can also be beautiful. In the simple, not the simple, lies happiness.

South Node in Virgo

Life has always been orderly and well structured, we don’t leave too much room for mistakes because our confidence to do everything perfect is great. But in this reincarnation, evolving requires getting out of controlled environments, to embrace uncertainty. Overcoming the characteristics of Virgo is not an easy task.

South Node in Libra

With the South Node in Libra, the tendency to be too considerate of others robs us of the space to be able to develop our own interests. There is a certain feeling of emptiness after giving everything and seeing that others do not get as involved as we do.

South Node in Scorpio

In previous lives it was very clear that life is full of mysteries and it may be that some of them were perfectly understood. A past related to magic, or esotericism in some of its variants. Probably now we stand out for get to know others without the need for them to talk too much.

South Node in Sagittarius

In past lives we were a kind of moral authority, a guru, someone who cares about the good of souls. It is a position too well known to repeat in this life the mission of instilling in others our vision of life, others also have the right to discover their own path without our intervention.

South Node in Capricorn

Too much interest in our own goals made us a cold and distant person, in this life we ​​will have to cleanse the negative karma by give devotedly to others, or at least developing a greater understanding of feelings. These can sometimes be quite confusing and hurt us, but there is no other path to a complete life.

South Node in Aquarius

The others are like old acquaintances, we make friends very easily. But sometimes we trust too much that the group will solve our problems. We have to be more direct with our own goals and put aside a certain tendency to extravagance.

South Node in Pisces

in past lives we acquired great knowledge about human nature. That is why it is not surprising that we currently dedicate ourselves to artistic professions, but to overcome the karma of past lives, this time we must impose more order and discipline on our material lifebecause we tend to waste money and give it less importance than it really has.

Meaning of the South Node in each house of the natal chart

The house in which the south node falls tells us the area of ​​our life in which we feel most comfortable but also the one that we must overcome to overcome the typecasting. What is familiar to us has to serve as a springboard towards the construction of a more balanced personality.

| MagicHoroscope.com

South Node in House 1

In the past the «I» occupied everything, relationships with others were lost sight of. We cultivate an individualistic personality too much. In this life, attention must be on others. Excessive self-centeredness is detrimental to the development of the soul. Instead, we should try to commit to the people we love, because we will find a freedom within love hitherto unknown.

South Node in House 2

We feel comfortable with possessions, hoarding perhaps more material goods than necessary. In this life, objects make us feel safe and remind us of who we are. The danger of this is that we base our self-esteem and self-esteem on temporary possessions that are likely to disappear over time. The lesson is to get rid of everything accessory and keep for himself only what is needed.

South Node in House 3

Creativity in communication is something that we practice naturally, but we must transcend in our way of manifesting our essence. The time has come to articulate our own belief system, to try to create new paths for ourselves to travel, instead of being content with entertaining others. We must learn to value the truth without having to worry about words.

South Node in House 4

According to karmic astrology, when the south node in a person’s natal chart falls in the 4th house, the old patterns acquired and internalized in past lives generate an inertia in this incarnation: that of living life experiences through the members of the closest family (parents, children…). What you will have to learn in this incarnation will be to get rid of this habit in order to be able to nurture yourself with learning through your own personal experiences..

South Node in House 5

It is no longer possible to live a life dedicated to the satisfaction of all the whims and this is experienced as something very limiting in this existence. Love affairs produce too much interest, so much so that other areas of existence are weakened for this reason. It is difficult to go unnoticed and reach mature resignation, so in this life so that karma can be resolved, we must learn more about friendship and not so much about passionate relationships.

South Node in House 6

The area where we feel most comfortable is in well structured work, but now chaos and disorder constantly appear before our eyes, so that we learn to live in an uncontrollable world, as it is. On the positive side, with this node we are very apt to organize the people around us, but we should not stop there; To progress, you have to overcome the tendency to believe ourselves better than others.

South Node in House 7

Our thing is relationships, losing ourselves in sociability. Our safe zone is spending a lot of time with those we love. But this comes at the high price of losing sight of ourselves, which then breeds resentment. We trust too much what others say we are. We need to find a sense of our own identity.

South Node in House 8

We feel quite familiar with the shadow side of life. We like life, death, magic… But life goes beyond these matters. You have to ensure a certain physical well-being or else existence becomes too hard, because you are always busy with higher things.

South Node in House 9

Spiritual development was noticeable in other lives, that is why in this one we are interested in metaphysical topics, or in astrology. Maybe we know how to read the tarot cards. But that knowledge was accumulated at the cost of sacrificing personal relationships. In this life we ​​can favor others by revealing our knowledge but without harassing.

South Node in House 10

In other lives we acquired great prestige thanks to our profession. We try in this life to accomplish the same feats, but without success. Family impediments appear everywhere; problems that are trying to tell us that this type of life to which we aspire is not admissible, because it is unnecessary. It is necessary to give more to the members of the family.

South Node in House 11

The comfort zone is friends, who can always be counted on. Thinking about the interests of the group is something that we are given to a thousand wonders, but always having our sights set on the whole means that we later suffer with the details. If we are constantly facing others, wear occurs that we then pay with our intimate relationships.

South Node in House 12

In past lives we had a strong tendency to delve into our unconscious. Solitude is highly valued it is very likely that in this life we ​​feel inclination towards meditation and the spiritual path. However, we need to channel those energies into service to others. Acting with pragmatism, we are capable of achieving great transformative changes both in our lives and in the lives of others.