What is the smallest bird in the world?


It is the bee hummingbird, which, on average, measures only 5 centimeters in length and weighs a tiny 2 grams. The bird, smaller than your index finger, has another curiosity: compared to other birds, it spends, proportionally, the longest time in its life flying. The small bird lives mainly on the island of Cuba in the Caribbean and its preferred habitat is forests, gardens, swamps and valleys. The little bug feeds on insects, small spiders and the nectar of flowers. In addition to being compact, the bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) is a very agile and fast bird. To escape his enemies, such as hawks, eagles and some species of frogs, he is able to perform acrobatic and risky maneuvers in the air, such as making sudden stops and flying backwards. This is only possible because hummingbirds, also known as hummingbirds, are endowed with muscles specially adapted for flight and wings capable of flapping at an astonishing 80 times a second – the same time it took you to read the word “astonishing”. ”, hehe.