What is the relationship between stress and eye strain? – Online Psychologists

Stress is the body's response to a stressful situation, which creates a certain tension. This problem can cause you from headaches to lack of confidence and, therefore, can affect you both physically and psychologically. Among the physical consequences of stress We find problems such as rosacea or eye strain.

What is stress?

Stress is a response provoked by a stressful situationwhich is out of your control and causes you to feel anguish. It can affect you both physically and psychologically, so it is important to know that these feelings go hand in hand. Keep in mind that if you are not mentally well, the discomfort will be reflected in your physical state.

If it is only a momentary distress, don't worry. However, if it continues for a long period of time, it is a sign that something is wrong. You need to start managing your own emotions and thoughts better to prevent this from affecting you or getting worse.

What is eye strain?

Eye strain is a normal thing in our eyes: This is the pressure it needs to function properly. However, when the pressure increases due to the rise of aqueous humor and is not eliminated regularly, high pressure can damage our eyes. This high pressure can be the result of age, bad habits in your daily life such as diet, etc.

What is the relationship between stress and eye strain?

Eye strain can also be caused by stressful situations.the situations that generate certain anxiety and its consequences can cause this pressure. Not only factors such as spending many hours in front of a screen, work pressure, but it can also be due to a poor diet and lack of adequate rest. Other psychological factors can affect you such as feeling very nervous, emotional instability that can also lead to more serious problems such as depression, etc.

These situations can cause irregularities in your eye and your vision. Therefore, you should try to establish certain techniques to avoid anxiety or catch certain habits that avoid overloading your mind and vision.

Symptoms of eye strain and stress

When eye pressure is caused by stress, you may not know it, but you should still see a professional to avoid serious problems with your eye. The symptoms depend a lot on each person, since different people may have different symptoms, however, some of the most common ones that can give a clue to eye pressure due to stress are:

  • Blurry vision. The pressure will affect your abilities such as vision, which can cause you to have blurry vision.
  • Irritability and redness of the eye.
  • Headache, This is a symptom of the situation that is causing you stress, which also causes eye pressure.
  • Tired eyesight.
  • Twitching of the eyelids.
  • You may even feel like you are bothers the own eyeballa symptom of pressure and fatigue, of overexertion.
  • Hypersensitivity of the eye.
  • Dry eye. Or the opposite, watery eye.

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How to deal with it

There are different ways that can help you take care of your eyes and prevent or treat eye pressure. If you go to a specialist doctor, a ophthalmologistmay prescribe certain drops that can relieve pain, redness or specific medications to regulate aqueous humor.

However, we also have to be aware that eye pressure can be caused by stress so we must also acquire certain techniques to control or avoid anxiety. With the help of a psychologist you will be able to work on improving these symptoms. In addition, with the help of some relaxation techniques such as mindfulness It may be very effective and beneficial for you.

The therapy It will help you to work at your own pace in managing emotions, with the help of psychologist You will be able to learn to identify, accept and manage them in such a way that you can control or prevent them from getting worse and causing you a problem or discomfort. In addition, you will work on your self-esteemwhich can affect your attitude, so that you maintain a positive attitude. It will also help you to have a emotional stability which can help you in a better organization, this will help you maintain a better organization and avoid stress or anxiety.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. In addition, with our online modality you do not have to worry about schedules or waste time traveling, but you can connect from anywhere. Call and make an appointment for a session online therapy, the first information session is free.