What is the Proust Questionnaire?

READER QUESTION Rafael Battaglia Popp, Guarulhos, SP

It is a set of self-knowledge questions that became famous after being answered by the French author Marcel Proust (1871-1922). During the writer’s adolescence, notebooks with these types of questions were a common pastime. He responded to that of his friend Antoinette when he was 18. This manuscript was found in 1924 and has since become popular as a standard form of interview. Several celebrities have already responded to it in a fixed section of the magazine. vanity fair or on the TV show Inside the Actors Studiofor example.


Know the questions (and what Proust answered for each of them)

1- What is the main aspect of your personality?

“The need to be loved; more precisely, the need to be cherished and pampered, much greater than the need to be admired”

2- What is your favorite quality in a man?

“Masculine qualities and sincerity in friendship”

3- What is your favorite quality in a woman?

“Women’s Charms”

4- What do you most appreciate in friends?

“Have affection for me, if your personality is amazing enough to make your affection even more valuable”

5- What is your main defect?

“Not knowing and not being able to ‘want’ something”

6- What is your favorite pastime?


7- What is your notion of happiness?

“I don’t think she’s amazing enough. I don’t have the courage to reveal it, I’m afraid to destroy it just by telling it.”

8- What is your notion of unhappiness?

“Not knowing my mother or my grandmother”

9- If you weren’t yourself, who would you be?

“Myself, which is who people who look up to me would like me to be”

10- Where would you like to live?

“In a country where certain things I liked would come true as if by magic, and where affection would always be reciprocated”

11- What is your favorite color?

“Beauty is not in the colors, but in the harmony between them”

12- Who is your favorite writer?

“Currently, Anatole France and Pierre Loti”

13- Who is your favorite poet?

“Baudelaire and Alfred de Vigny”

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14- What is your favorite hero in fiction?


15- What is your favorite heroine in fiction?


16- Who are your favorite painters and composers?

“Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Beethoven, Wagner and Schumann”

17- Who are your heroes in real life?

“Mr. Darlu and Mr. Boutroux

18- What is your favorite female figure in history?


19- What are your favorite names?

“I only have one at a time”

20- What do you hate the most?

“What is bad about me”

21- Which historical figures do you hate the most?

“I am not educated enough to answer”

22- What military event do you most admire?

“My military service!”

23- What natural talent would you like to have?

“Willpower and Seduction”

24- How would you like to die?

“Evolved and loved”

25- What is your current state of mind?

“Bored with having to think about myself to answer these questions”

26- Which defect do you have less tolerance for?

“Those I Understand”

27- What is your favorite motto?

“I should be too scared to cause myself misfortunes”

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