What is the North Node in Astrology? Meaning in each house and Astral Chart Sign

The natal chart is a powerful tool for self-knowledgebut its complexity is so great that only through continued study can we get the most out of it. Today we will unveil the North Nodean Arabic point of the birth chart not very well known, but of paramount importance in our life journey.

Here we teach you what is the north node, how to locate it and its meaning according to the house and its signzodiacal where we have it housed.

What is the North Node in astrology?

The first thing we need to know is that just as there is a north node, there is also a south node, and both form what is known as the lunar nodes. Perhaps we do not normally hear about this astrological concept because they are not planets and therefore do not appear drawn in the birth chart as such. Is about two mathematical points where the elliptical of the Moon intersects with that of the Sunfrom the terrestrial perspective.

The north node, or also known as «the head of the dragon”, has to do with the karmic astrology. This refers to the soul has a journey on earth, accumulating vital baggage in each reincarnation. Lived experience is stored in the south node, which is also known as the dragon’s tail. This “tail” refers to the past. The north node or dragon head, on the other hand, tells us about what we must overcome in this life to lead a full existence.

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The purpose of existence is to overcome the tests for at some point reach a state of consciousness superior to that of matter and thus not reincarnate. Hence the metaphor of the dragon: the north node or the «dragon head» is oriented forward, while behind the «tail» or south node we leave the path of past lives.

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So the meaning of the North Node is closely related to leave “our comfort zone”, we have come to this life to develop skills that we have not exploited in previous cycles. It is the conscious effort to live new opportunities and for progressing in that direction. urges us to move from a reactive state to a proactive one, to build there where life is uncertain. It takes a lot of emotional training to break the shell.

How to calculate the North Node

the north node is one of the parameters that appear when calculating the natal chart. Today there are many pages that display this information quickly and easily.

But suppose we already know our North Node and have just met someone the same age or similar. In that case it would be easy to find out its lunar nodes, since the axis of the nodes takes about 18 years to move through the twelve signs. Hence, generations pursue similar goals. Also, moves backwards. That is, from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo, to Aquarius/Leo etc.

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Meaning of the North Node in the signs of the Zodiac

The question we have to ask ourselves is: How to guide our life towards our maximum development? The zodiac sign that represents the north node gives us a clue about the way we have to realize our soul in this life.

North Node in Aries

The North Node in Aries requires us to abandon so much consideration towards others and instead, focus on ourselves. This does not mean that we fall into selfish attitudes, but now life requires us to develop greater amounts of independence. You should never lose sight of the target.

North Node in Taurus

The North Node in Taurus calls us to stability and leave behind confusing situations. Life will always bring unexpected changes, but it is up to us to face them with serenity and know how to be. Must cultivate good economic management to achieve the desired stability.

North Node in Gemini

Philosophy is important, but even more so is concretize ideas and be able to use them in our personal goals. We must abandon the charlatanism in this life so that with our intelligence and training, in many cases self-taught, we reach the top. The brothers acquire great protagonism in the development of our path with a north node in Gemini.

North Node in Cancer

The North Node in Cancer indicates that we should take charge of our emotionsIn other lives we moved with coldness and authoritarianism. Having learned the lesson well, now the heart must develop to achieve balance. Life situations will be intense and highly emotional, probably already from the cradle with this node.

North Node in Leo

The North Node in Leo encourages us to develop creativity and pride in our work. Talent must be put at the service of lofty goals, which we will undoubtedly reach with determination and involving our fiery energy. The work can serve to improve our environment and serve as an inspiration to those around us.

North Node in Virgo

Having the Node in Virgo, we must choose our sacrifices and those we serve very well. Cultivating a sense of practicality will bring us great happiness, at the same time that it distances us from the chaotic thoughts that harm us so much. Although being selective is pursued, along the way it is very important that Let’s never forget to give love to those who are really worth it.

North Node in Libra

The goal of this life is we must embrace the needs of others, while developing our full mental potential to the fullest. The North Node in Libra has an outstanding mind that is capable of balance between the interests of others and their own. This makes us people who can easily achieve happiness. Couple relationships are an important source of enriching experienceswhether they are good or not.

North Node in Scorpio

In previous lives we focused too much on the most material part of existence. With the north node in scorpio, our goal is to embrace the unknown, in order to raise our spiritual strength. This position provides strong experiences that will make us enter deep crises, but from which we will come out with the conviction that in life, the only thing that remains constant is the always apparent change in reality. This node brings us closer to a wisdom without equal.

⬇️ Click below to read: North Node in Scorpio: The Mysterious Soul ⬇️


North Node in Sagittarius

The North Node in Sagittarius means that the tendency is to adapt to everyone in order to be accepted. There is a real need to forge your own vision of life, based on the truths discovered from reason and experience. For the realization of this North Node many people with great intellectual capacity will appearwe may even let ourselves be guided by a spiritual teacher who sooner or later we will have to overcome.

North Node in Capricorn

With this north node you have to overcome childish tendencies. It is hard to grow up and leave the protection of home, but once the initial obstacles are overcome, we are called to do our life’s work, whatever it takes. Professional fulfillment is of paramount importance and much of our energies will be focused on this facet, which is tremendously satisfying. It earns large self-sufficiency fees and this brings peace of mind.

North Node in Aquarius

In this life we ​​must learn to develop our personality and our goals, but without arrogance. The North Node in Aquarius brings large doses of creativity, but it is also essential to never lose sight of the group, as it is the only way for humility to always be present. We need the collaboration of others to feel fulfilled.

⬇️ Click below to read: North Node in Aquarius: The Sharp Adventurer ⬇️


North Node in Pisces

The North Node in Pisces indicates that we must get carried away by the currents of life, in the past we wanted to have everything under control. It is now necessary to express artistic abilities, give oneself to others without fear and experience life in its most spiritual facet. There will be those who make us change our point of view, peak experiences with this North Node in Pisces are momentous

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The meaning of the north node in the houses

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The astrological house where the node falls refers to the facet of life where we should show ourselves with more confidence, more balanced. Because that is where we definitively leave our comfort zone and the soul can learn important lessons.

North Node in house 1

Learn to trust your own personality. Sometimes with our self-criticism we are our worst enemy.

North Node in house 2

Learn to rely on our internal resources and put dissatisfaction aside.

North Node in house 3

Learn to trust our mindin our ability to communicate

North Node in house 4

Learn to trust that we have a home in the world.

North Node in house 5

Learn to trust our creativity

North Node in house 6

Learn to trust the routinewhich is what leads us to achieve the objectives.

North Node in house 7

Learn to trust others relationships are a learning field especially important.

North Node in house 8

Resolve issues related to sex and death it is a priority. Life is shown in all its intensity, and this is sometimes scary.

North Node in house 9

Need Learn to trust your own values even when circumstances get tough. With this node there will be trips that will change the way of seeing life.

North Node in house 10

we need to learn to trust our own goals and leave behind what the family expected our life to be.

North Node in house 11

Friendship is important and we must trust that ours will be there for when we need it. We have to promote fraternal relationships, moving away from stormy passions.

North Node in house 12

Need trust our loneliness, which is very productive. It is the only way to advance in life, through spiritual progress.