What is the meaning of the name Samael | 👁

In Gnosticism, Samael is the third name of the demiurge, the other 2 are Yaldabaoth and Saklas. ? In this context, would Samael mean «the blind god»? His façade is that of a lion-faced serpent.

Samael is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning «fury of God».

In the Jewish tradition, Samael was considered the archangel of disappearance and guardian angel of Esau.

Popular with the name of Samael

SAMAEL AUN WEOR Born writer in Bogotá, Colombia). He was the main creator of a neognostic movement. He died in Mexico on December 24, 1977 at the age of 60.

Samael according to the different ethnic groups

The figure of Samael is approached in different ways in the different ethnic groups, admitting that it is essential, since all the nuances explored allow us to have a much greater concept of the concept of this character. Hence, for these purposes, we leave here an understanding of how Samel is interpreted in the much more essential traditions.

In the Talmud it would be said that Samael is the guardian angel of Esau. According to the Sotah, this name corresponds to the angel of Edom, and other written content ensures that he is among the archangels of God.

Concept of Samael at work

This field is closely related to the previous one. Samael’s observation abilities are the key to quickly rising through the ranks. As a leader, he will be able to quickly spot which of his inferiors have shortcomings and can work to praise them.

Samael respects the authority of the other well. He is cooperative and agile with his tasks. He makes his team stronger through his personality and characteristics. He does not criticize, but builds alongside his work team. All of the above lets you fit in well with any job.

Peculiarities of Samael

To detail the men with this name you only have to meditate on 2 expressions, success and pride. He is someone full of ambitions, somewhat cold and ambitious, but someone who achieves everything he wants with expressions. He is not very expressive and does not in all cases exhibit his true personality as he tries to see himself as a strong man who is not afraid of anything.

Work: person who likes perfection, because he likes everything to follow an order. However, this often causes you to make the wrong decisions.