What is the meaning of Frankenstein’s life | 👁

We all know or at least have heard of the famous Frankenstein monster. the one who was brought to life within the story by Victor Frankenstein and created in our world by writer Mary Shelley.

The story presents many metaphors, myths and analogies, which have been the cause of analysis and study by multiple experts on the subject. One of the questions that arises the most as a result of this novel is what is the meaning of frankenstein’s life and what it is that led Victor to start his existence.

One of the most popular and accepted propositions is that the creation of this being and the history of his life, They are used as a criticism of the scientific revolution and the immoral and unethical proceeding of manin this sense. The human being, trying to play God, uses science as a means to create something that transcends him and that does not contemplate any kind of objection of conscience. This is how finally, this action leads to the creation of an abomination.

In conclusion, the life of Frankenstein, despite all the tragedy of his existence, is useful and makes sense when it helps the human being to recover his humility, not to put science above morality and not to believe himself invincible.

Other symbolisms in the story of Frankenstein

Being such an outstanding novel and with a high level of popularity, the studies and lucubrations carried out about it are vast and very rich.

exist many conclusions and symbolism raised in the wake of FrankensteinSo here we will mention some of them.

  • Orphan Frankenstein: A very popular theory suggests that what Mary Shelley wanted to reflect with this monster is the story of a child without a mother, since she herself lost hers shortly after being born. Also, just like her protagonist, she had a very difficult relationship with her father.with a rather lonely childhood and isolated from others.
  • Industrial Revolution: Another statement states that the appearance of the monster during the industrial revolution is not accidental, since He comes to represent the oppressed social class.

Regarding this time, reference is also made to the excessive use of technology, which led to said revolution and which gives rise to such an indomitable monstrosity.

  • Existentialism: Another of the aspects, of a more philosophical nature, speaks of an existence not demanded, but granted to finally be repudiated. A creature created by a pretentious whim of a man, who ultimately does not take charge and condemns his work to misery, orphanhood and misfortune.

Who was Frankenstein? A little of you history

Frankenstein, whose name is not really such, since the monster has never been given a name (which represents its lack of identity), is a creature that emerged as a result of a experiment carried out by medical student Victor Frankensteinsurname to which we owe the popular name.

This character, obsessed with the idea of ​​giving life from inanimate matter, drops out of school to focus on that purpose and that is how manages to create this humanoid-looking being, from the assembly of limbs and pieces of human corpses.

Once the monster comes to life, Victor is impressed by his ugliness and deformity and rejects him, to which his creation ends up escaping and decides to take revenge on his «father». or have condemned him to such a devastating fate. Said revenge consisted of the murder of several members of the Frankenstein family and their friends.

The story proceeds in this way until creator and creation meet, which leads to a tragic outcome. mutually.