What is the longest word in Portuguese? What about other languages?

It has 46 or 29 characters, depending on the criteria. “Pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanoconiotic”, from 46 letters, designates a person suffering from an acute lung disease caused by breathing air laden with silica particles expelled by volcanoes. Is word technique formed by the agglutination of terms. It is relatively new, but it already appears in the dictionary Houaiss.

The English version of “pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanoconiótico” is also the champion in that language, with 45 letters. It’s in the largest dictionary in the US, the oxford english dictionary.

However, many specialists in the Portuguese language «disqualify» the term “pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanoconiotic”because they take into account only words with a single root (the irreducible element that gives rise to the meaning of the word), plus prefixes and suffixes. According to this criterion, the winner is the famous “anticonstitutionally”, with 29 letters, which designates that which opposes what was established by the Constitution. (The translation of this term into French is 25 letters long and is also the longest in that language.)

Below, some more champion “swear words” in different languages:


NUMBER OF LETTERS 195 characters in original script (428 if transcribed in Roman alphabet)

DEFINITION Appears in a 16th-century work and is an amalgamation of terms describing a region of India. According to Guinness Bookthis is the longest known word in the world recorded in any official dictionary.

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NUMBER OF LETTERS 130 characters

DEFINITION Largest Swedish word, means “preparatory work for contribution to the discussion on the maintenance system of support of the inspection device material of the North Baltic Coastal Artillery Aviation Simulator”

LANGUAGE ancient greek

NUMBER OF LETTERS 173 in original script (182 if transcribed to Roman alphabet)

DEFINITION It’s a juxtaposition of different types of food. It was created by the poet Aristophanes in his comedy The Women in the Assembly


NUMBER OF LETTERS 36 characters

DEFINITION It means “compulsory automobile insurance”. In German, as words can be combined with others, there is always the possibility of creating new, ever-increasing terms. (There are bigger words in the language, but they are rarely used and not found in dictionaries)

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