What is the fastest aquatic animal in the world?


It’s the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), a weird fish with a big sword-shaped beak and a double dorsal fin that looks like a sail. Also called sailfish, sailfish and sailfish, it reaches 109 km/h in small distances, according to Guinness, the “book of records”. The aquatic champion is the “slim type”, being able to reach 3.4 meters in length with only 90 kilos of weight. According to a ranking elaborated by the ichthyologist (fish specialist) and marine biologist Aidan Martin, director of the ReefQuest Shark Research Center, in the United States, the sailfish is closely followed by the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), which swims at 96 km/h, and for the marlin (genus Makaira), which reaches around 80 km/h. The feat of these animals is exceptional, since water is about 750 times denser than air, which requires extraordinary strength from fish to move around. Of the other marine animals, it is worth noting the speed of dolphins and sharks. Among the first, the champion in speed is the killer whale (Orcinus orca), with 55 km/h. In the group of sharks, the mako-mackerel (Isurus oxyrinchus) is the fastest, with 50 km/h.