What is the experience of the first session with a psychologist like? – Online Psychologists

Take the step of Going to the psychologist is not easyThousands of questions will be running through your head. Is this the best option? What if he or she doesn't understand me? It's time to get those questions out of your head and take the step towards a new life. Why yes, going to the psychologist will be a breath of fresh air in your life.

However, the first experience with a psychologist can always generate uncertainty. After all, we are opening our lives to a person who, a priori, is totally unknown to us. What must be clear is that this feeling is not only experienced by us as patients, but also by others. The psychologist, to a lesser extent, yes.about the sensations that the new person who comes to the consultation will transmit to you.

The psychologist is also afraid of failure

We all want to do our job giving the best of ourselves. Therefore, doing it well becomes the main objective. The same thing happens to the psychologist. Before going to him, you should know that the psychologist is as human as the patient and You must learn to develop and strengthen the concept of “professional relationship”in order not to take the patient's progress or possible setbacks personally.

With experience, the fears of “failing” with a patient They are accepted in the same way that a doctor accepts that he will not always be able to “save” his patients, for example, in an operation. However, this anxiety at the first contact always leaves a trace. Will he accept me? Will he be an accessible person or very closed? Will he judge my professionalism?


Feeling will play a role important role for both patient and psychologist. When there is a good feeling between the patient and the therapist, the patient feels heard, understood and genuinely supported. This can generate a safe and conducive environment for personal growth and transformationThe therapist, for his part, is able to tune into and capture the needs and emotions of the patient, which allows him to offer more effective therapeutic care.

The feeling may vary from patient to patient and from therapist to therapist. Each individual is unique and may experience greater affinity and emotional resonance with certain therapists compared to others. For this reason, It is essential to find a therapist with whom you establish a good feelingsince this will contribute significantly to the success of the therapeutic process.

Try a free session

Don't hesitate to go to a psychologist, you will surely find someone you can open up to, who won't judge you and who will introduce you to a world you won't want to leave. Telling someone outside your concerns or simply letting them listen to what makes you happy can become the lifeline you need when everything goes wrong. So take the step and discover a new world.

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First session

The first session with a psychologist marks the beginning of a personal journey towards emotional healing and personal growth. It's normal to feel a mix of emotions before the session, from anxiety to hope and curiosity. It's important to remember that the psychologist is there to provide support and understanding without judgement, which can help ease the initial tension.

  • Exploring the reasons for consultationDuring the first session, the psychologist will guide the patient in exploring the reasons that led him or her to seek professional help. This is a time to reflect on emotional difficulties, negative thought patterns, or any other problems that affect the quality of life. The psychologist will use therapeutic techniques and approaches to help the patient understand the underlying causes of his or her problems and identify possible solutions.
  • Setting goals and treatment planDuring the first session, clear and achievable therapeutic goals will be discussed and established. The psychologist will work together with the patient to identify specific areas for improvement and design a treatment plan tailored to their individual needs. This plan may include the frequency and duration of sessions, as well as the therapeutic techniques and approaches to be used.
  • Importance of confidentialityOne of the fundamental aspects of the therapeutic relationship is confidentiality. The psychologist is legally bound to maintain privacy and professional secrecy, meaning that all information shared during the session is protected. This allows the patient to feel safe and in a judgment-free environment, encouraging greater openness and sincerity during the therapeutic process.
  • Breaking stigmas and barriers. Although it is becoming more widely accepted, seeking psychological help can still be surrounded by stigma and prejudice. It is important to remember that seeking emotional support is not a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous act of self-care, and it will be something that the psychologist will repeat to you on several occasions. By sharing our experiences and speaking openly about therapy, we contribute to breaking down barriers and fostering a culture of emotional well-being.

Path to transformation

The first session with a psychologist can be the starting point towards a significant personal transformation. As the patient engages in the therapeutic process, he or she will be able to better explore and understand his or her thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Over time, the individual acquires tools and strategies to cope with challenges in healthier and more constructive ways. Therapy can provide an invaluable opportunity to develop greater self-knowledge, promote personal growth, and improve interpersonal relationships.

Trust between psychologist and patient is essential

Sofia is a patient at . She tells us that she got little out of her first session, as well as the second, third and fourth time, but that she does not regret it because “now, looking back, I can say that it has been a beautiful learning experience.” She, who had never had the habit of sharing her inner self, telling herself that “I am more of a listener,” has now, thanks to the psychological sessions, learned to open up and share her inner self with others, from joy to sadness. But the fundamental value that she has taken from her therapies is that she has allowed herself to be helped: “I have learned to be able to ask for reinforcement when I have seen that I could not do it alone” and she adds that “putting words to things” has allowed her to “put order in my life, give meaning to things that I previously perceived as chaos, get to know myself and understand my mechanisms.” And that is, after all, what she has learned from her therapies. The goal of psychology: to guide us towards our self-knowledgeA more or less long path, but an accessible path.

During the first session, the psychologist will seek to establish a relationship of trust and empathy with the patient. He or she will begin by asking questions about personal history, current challenges, and therapeutic goals. It is essential that the patient feels comfortable sharing his or her thoughts, emotions and experiences without fear of being judged.

Let's remember what to look for Psychological help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and determination to face our problems and achieve a fuller and more satisfying life.If you are considering starting therapy, don't hesitate to take that first step. It can make a difference in your well-being and quality of life.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.