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What is the difference between file and folders in computing
Response from
File: is a set of data stored on a medium in a structured manner in such a way that the computer can access it, either through functions of the operating system or through application programs.
There are different kinds of files, the instructions that make up the programs also rest in a file, other types of files can be letters, databases, graphics, etc. Every file consists of a name and an extension, the name can be up to 80 characters, the extension only three, the latter indicates the type of file it is and the program with which it can be opened. For example, applications have an .exe extension, work done in word .doc and work done in Excel .xls.
Read the definition here: File Definition.
Folder: it is a special file that has the particularity to contain other files. The folders were thought to organize the information on the computer, inside them you can store files and other folders (called subfolders).
Read the definition here: Folder Definition.
So technically speaking the folders (directories) are also files, only the folders are used to organize the files stored on the storage medium.
Graphically we usually see the folders and their subfolders as a tree, with the files being the leaves of that tree. Read: Directory Tree
Related terminology
I suggest reading from our Computer Dictionary:
• File, Archive
• Binder
• Directory tree
• File System
Source: Basic Computing
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