What is the difference between chicken and rooster?


This answer is simple: chicken is nothing more than the name given to young roosters. “Drawing a parallel with the human race, the chickens would be the young men and the roosters the adult men”, says zootechnician Edivaldo Antônio Garcia, from the São Paulo State University (Unesp), in Botucatu (SP). The passage from youth to adulthood is marked by the arrival of sexual maturity, which occurs around the 26th week of life. When this important phase change happens, the “ex-chicken” increases in size, starts to sing and even goes through a lot of anatomical transformations, as you can see in the photos below. “These modifications are basically related to secondary sexual characteristics”, says Garcia. That is, they are characteristics that help to differentiate the sexes, but that only appear after a certain age. It is worth remembering that all “chicken chicks”, male or female, are called chicks. After 21 days of life, “they” are called chickens and “they” chickens. Rooster and hen, only when adults.

I am you tomorrow Only the adult male has a spur and colorful plumage.PLUMAGE

The rooster is much more showy than the chicken. The feathers that surround its body are quite colorful and exuberant, to attract the attention of the chickens.


Only the rooster is endowed with a large comb, that reddish fleshy appendage found on top of the head. A strange function of the crest is to help dissipate heat from the animal.


The rooster has a kind of red skin suspended on both sides of the jaw, just below the beak. These skins are called dewlaps and are much more discreet in chicken.

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Only the rooster has spurs, a kind of nail located on the back of the paws. They are used as an attack weapon, during, for example, the dispute for a female

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