the female ruler of a kingdom is a queen and the female ruler of an empire is an empress, an empire is made up of multiple kingdoms.
An empire is ruled by an emperor, while a kingdom is ruled by a king or queen.
The kingdom sometimes has the possibility of having much more than one king. A kingdom that was ruled by multiple kings was known as an oligarchy. However, an empire is always ruled by an emperor.
The size of the domains of these leaders can know their power and prestige among many other states. However, the status of the realm is much more related to the dominant editions of each title.
Empires, kingdoms and principalities are commonly monarchical, that is, places ruled by a subject for life.
What does the emperor mean in the Tarot?
The Emperor is a Tarot card. It represents authoritarian control through the intellect. Worldly power, ability, safety, wealth, security, authority, indomitable spirit, father, brother, husband, male dominance, direct pressure, communication, conviction, strength, mission accomplishment.
Express your sincere desire to be famous for your achievements and unquestioned authority. You want to position yourself as a leader, as a specialist. Focus on your purpose and prevent restlessness and any kind of weakness in your person.
Sergei Ivanovich Kovaliev, History of Rome | Adrian Goldsworthy, The Fall of the Rome Empire | Edward Gibbon, History of the Fall and Fall of the Roman Empire | Pablo Fuentes Hinojo, Gala Placidia. A ruler of the Catholic empire | Ana Martos Rubio, Pope and theologians. Women who Ruled the Kingdom of God on Earth | Wikipedia