What is the blueberry for? Know its properties

You ask yourself What is blueberry good for? It is a fruit that is often consumed for its good taste and to which many health benefits are attributed.

We are not going to say that it is cheap because if something sometimes plays against the blueberry, it is its price. Beyond this reflection, the truth is that this natural beauty with a bittersweet flavor is the ideal company for pastry preparations and breakfasts in which fruit is the queen.

But not only does it serve to brighten the palate, it is also used in the preparation of home treatments to relieve some ailments of the body and additionally in diets to lose weight. Pay attention, because you are going to adore these little colored balls:

What are the benefits of blueberries?

It is one of the healthiest foods you can consume as it contains high loads of vitamins and antioxidants. It is a great ally that could sometimes help fight potentially cancerous cells (according to studies by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology). It would also be attributed anti-inflammatory powers, favor the appearance of good cholesterol and reduce blood pressure.

How much blueberry should be eaten per day?

The recommendation would be not to consume more than 90 to 100 grams per day to take advantage of its nutrients. It is important to have the opinion of an expert, in case you want to take larger portions.

What is cranberry juice good for?

Its consumption would be linked to the improvement in urinary infections, gastritis and would eventually help to lose weight, since it contains only 45 calories per cup. It would be enough to blend 90 g of blueberries and a glass of water to think about obtaining its benefits. The most advisable thing is not to include sugar in the juice and take it on an empty stomach.

Blueberries usually have different colors and although they do not have much difference in their flavor and composition, their derivatives are used in different home treatments. Take note:

What are lingonberries good for?

It is very rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, so its consumption would help eliminate bacteria in the digestive tract and generate a strong barrier against urinary tract infections. Another of its advantages would be in the care of your face, for this purpose, you could make a mask against acne by crushing the blueberry and mixing it with sweet almond oil and yogurt. Apply this combination on the face for half an hour and remove with cold water.

What are purple blueberries good for?

This species would prevent and combat degenerative diseases of the eyes such as cataracts, for example. In addition, anti-inflammatory benefits of the joints would be granted and it would delay aging. You should not apply it, just make a juice in water; of this you would keep intact the structures of the eye with the proteins that are required to configure the ocular tissues.

What are blueberries good for?

It would be of great help to strengthen the immune system making you less likely to suffer from common colds and flus due to its great contribution in vitamin C, A and complex B. Again, the game of this fruit is the best way to obtain these benefits, but You should know that it does not replace any medication or antibiotic that is necessary in viral or respiratory diseases.

Do you commonly use blueberry in your diet? Share your experience with the Vibra community through social networks.