What is the biggest bird of prey in the world?

Two beautiful birds share the title: the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), also called the New World vulture, and the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus). Both reach 1.3 meters in length and, with wings open, reach 3 meters in wingspan. Adult individuals of these two species can weigh over 11 kilograms. As its name implies, the Andean condor lives in the Andes, in South America, inhabiting the slopes of mountains.

Sadly, he has been relentlessly pursued by man. The California condor – found in the US state of the same name – is also at serious risk of extinction. In the mid-1990s, there were just over 100 of these animals in the United States and, to prevent the species from completely disappearing from the map, a captive breeding program was created.

It is good to remember that the term bird of prey is used to refer to predatory birds equipped with sharp claws and special beaks to capture food. In addition to condors, eagles, hawks, hawks and owls are part of this group. In Brazil, the largest bird of prey is the harpy eagle, also known as the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja). It can be seen in the Amazon, in some regions of the Atlantic Forest and also in the south of the country.

aerial predators

Two species of condor reach 1.3 meters in length


Length: from 80 centimeters to 1 meter

Wingspan: 2.3 meters

Also called the American warbird, the golden eagle inhabits North America, North Africa, Asia and Europe. The couple of the species usually hunt together: one of them chases the prey to make it tired and the other gives the final attack.


Length: from 80 centimeters to 1 meter

Wingspan: 1.5 meters

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Known as the monkey-eagle, obviously because it loves to taste a small primate, this bird is only found in the Philippines, in Southeast Asia. It is another very endangered eagle: there are less than 100 individuals living in the wild.


Length: 1.15 meters

Wingspan: 2.5 meters

The harpy eagle is a solitary animal. He flies high, loves to glide and makes sudden maneuvers when hunting. Thanks to its strong claws, it captures medium-sized animals, such as monkeys and sloths. Its natural habitat extends from southern Mexico to Argentina


Length: 1.3 meters

Wingspan: 3 meters

This bird can be seen throughout the Andes mountain range, from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego, in the extreme south of the American continent. The condor prefers open places and rarely attacks live animals, except for newborns and sick ones. Prefers to eat the remains of dead animals


Length: 1.3 meter

Wingspan: 3 meters

In the past, the California condor could be seen all along the west coast of the United States, but today it is at risk of extinction. It is mostly black, with white spots on its wings, a red neck, and a yellowish-toned head. Has very keen eyesight and sense of smell

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