What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically

What is the alum stone used for in witchcraft Recently we have been asked about the alum stone the following: What is the alum stone used for esoterically? Is alum stone good for cleaning? What is the alum stone used for under the pillow? How is the alum stone prepared for love? What are the rituals with the alum stone for protection? Why is the alum stone placed in the navel?

To answer these questions, let’s see the general aspects of this stone:


General features

This crystalline stone has been used by indigenous cultures since many centuries before Christ; for rituals to the gods, for the dead, for rains, for wars, etc.

There are legends that say that it was a source of energy for different uses in the lost continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.


What are its uses and what is it for?

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #1 to clean a house Put 200 grams of alum stone in a container with water and place it every day in a different corner of the house until it has gone through all the main corners or edges.

If the stone has dissolved in one of the corners, water or rub the area it covered with this water and repeat this process until you have gone through all the rooms of the house.

As the stone dissolves, it absorbs the negative things around it, filling the entire house with light and spiritual clarity. If the alum stone does not dissolve, it means that the house is clean and the vibrations are positive.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #2 To ward off evil spirits that bother Place the alum stone in the water and pray every day for it to reach peace and detach itself from this world. This should be done for 3 novenas changing the water every day. Repeat until the person notices their detachment.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #3 For the eternal peace of the deceased Set out a large jar of water and alum stone when visiting the dead. This is also done at the bottom of the jar where the flowers are placed. It is very common on the Day of the Dead. It is for you to receive peace and light in the eternal plane.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #4 to clean a business Put 200 grams of alum stone in a non-aluminum pot and bring it to a boil with two liters of water.

Once it has boiled, add the necessary water and scrub the area from the inside to the street. Also rub it on the pavement or in front of it and throw the remaining water on the street. As you clean, focus your mind on what you’re doing.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #5 To clean In a liter of water, boil 100 grams of rosemary, 100 grams of rue and 50 grams of alum stone. Prepare an immersion bath with this mixture and soak your body, without getting your head wet. When you’re done, dry off and freshen up with some cologne. This will free your body of negative energies.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #6 For protection when suffering from nightmares and calm sleep Place a glass of water with a piece of alum stone on the nightstand. You must change the water every day so that, in this way, you eliminate any type of energy that could be harmful to you.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #7 For the study Soak 50 grams of alum stone in 250 ml of fresh cologne. Let it macerate for 7 days. Every time you need to concentrate to study, rub some cologne on your temples (sources).

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #8 For protection of the house Place 25 grams of alum stone with a head of garlic and a lemon in the four main corners of the house. If there is envy or other evils, the lemons go moldy. Change them often.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #9 Harmonize your spirituality Place a glass of water with an alum stone in a cabinet or shelf or in a vase with natural white flowers. If possible, next to a lighted white candle to strengthen your Guardian angel. Pray the prayer for seven days.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #10 To drive away the negative Place a piece of the alum stone wrapped in a red cloth under the pillow. After 8 days, take it as far away from the house as possible. (can be repeated every 8 days)

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #11 For love Melt the red wax with a little alum stone, sugar and cinnamon. In a container, pour this mixture and place photographs of the two people looking at each other’s faces. If you don’t have photos, write the names on two pieces of paper and place them facing each other. When solidified, sprinkle with verbena herb and alum stone powder.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #12 protection amulet Write your name on plain white paper. Make a little bag out of red cloth and put inside a small piece of alum stone, a clove of garlic and a little bit of herb. rueas well as the paper and sews the bag, always carrying it as protection.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #13 Make your name shine Place a photograph in a high place, above the height of your head, with a small alum stone. When you need your opinion to be heard, light an orange candle. In this way, they will gain confidence in you.

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What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #14 Harmonize your relationship with others Mix the unrefined sugar with the cinnamon, the powdered alum stone and the passion flower herb. Spread this mixture in the workplace, so that misunderstandings and antipathy cease. Make a cloth bag to put part of this mixture and take it with you.

What is the alum stone for in witchcraft and esoterically #15 To calm rheumatic pain In a liter of alcohol, add 100 grams of rosemary and 200 grams of alum stone. Let macerate for 21 days. With this alcohol, gently massage the affected areas.


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