What is spiritual alchemy?

speaking of spiritual alchemy we are referring to a type of perspective that focuses on a substance that is responsible for allowing us to convert both shortcomings and difficulties into contributions for us that are constructive For our lives.

What does this mean? To help you understand it better, imagine that, for a long time, a fantasy has been going through your head that can be classified as dangerous. What would be dangerous? Within the good sense of the word, human beings are usually destined to work so that we can have a better life, without problems. They also educate us to avoid facts that can be painful or even live with hardly any contradictions. Is this reality?

Not everything is really rosy. Therefore, as far as possible, what we would be doing is living a fantasy that could be classified as utopian, since the perfect life as our mind can conceive does not exist. This is where the concept of spiritual alchemy comes into play, which would be those facts that are possible.

What is spiritual alchemy?

A little history

The truth is that this concept has a rather metaphorical sense. If we go back a long time, we can realize that the alchemists, in reality, were researchers who dedicated themselves to looking for the technique or the method through which turn lead into gold. In this metaphorical sense, what it means is that these people wanted to make something that had little value finally very valuable.

At that time, alchemists thought that this transformation could be achieved using what is known as Philosopher Stone. What is this? Well, another fantasy, however, is a concept through which spiritual alchemy can be better understood. In this case, the process is classified as symbolic, since these researchers thought that it could be done, since everything was in the mind.

Why the lead?

Like everything in this process, lead is another metaphorical and symbolic concept. We return to the previous idea, in which our mind projects a perfect lifestyle, without complications, that is, something that is not real. As it is a utopian idea, when it comes to living reality you realize that we have problems and contradictions, and this is where alchemy comes into play.

Undoubtedly, that projection of perfect life is a self-delusion, throughout our lives, from birth, we are destined to face complicated situations. For example, physical pain, emotional pain, loss, illness, or death. All these situations would be framed within the concept of lead.

What is the philosopher’s stone?

We have already told you, it is the element through which we have the possibility of transforming lead into gold Or what is the same, exchange our complicated situations for perfect ideas and insights, taking into account that the philosopher’s stone exists only in our mind. Thus, we make use of a metaphorical element to interpret reality.

As is logical, all of us expose ourselves to problematic situations, such as pain, rejection, heartbreak… The difference lies in the way we have and in our capacities, to use those negative experiences and turn them into constructive ones.

The main keys of the process

Spiritual alchemy presents three main keys which are the basis of the process. Which are?

the fair word

The words are presented as fundamental elements to travel that spiritual path; that is, the how we use them to reach our final goal. We are referring to the use of words, the creation of sentences, the intonation we use…

If you start in this practice, you must first properly observe what it says, how he gives meaning to his sentences, the words he uses the most and, above all, the intonation he chooses at each moment. All this means that observation is the main key on which change in people can be sustained.

The breathing

This is another important aspect in alchemy: know how to breathe properly and know when to do it, so you can transform your interior. Through breathing, we can transform thoughts and emotions.

Breathing is essential in this process because alchemy considers that air is an element of great power, since it helps to mobilize the energies of our body and it is capable of lighting that fire that we thought was extinguished, always speaking in a metaphorical sense.


It is the ultimate key to spiritual alchemy, considering that food must be natural, in order to produce the change. You must make use of balanced and special diets to provide more energy to your body, both physically and psychologically. Remember that there are some foods that are good for the spirit.

In addition, we must bear in mind that, just as it is important to know what we eat, it is also essential to recognize the moment in which we do it and how we eat. All this means that people should know how to choose food wellbearing in mind that food is closely related to culture and difficulties may arise.