What is pitahaya used for and how is it eaten?

This fruit brings great benefits for health and the body, that’s why here we tell you What is the pitahaya for?.

The pitahaya is a fruit with a delicious flavor that stands out for its great health benefits. Also known as dragon fruit, it has antioxidant properties that help your body function properly. That is why here we tell you what all its benefits are about.

What is pitahaya and what is it for?

The pitahaya is a fruit that is widely grown in America, but has also begun to be produced in Israel, Thailand and Vietnam for its health benefits. It is not only a fruit rich in water, but also in minerals such as iron, vitamins B, C and E, calcium and phosphorus.

Properties of pitahaya, what is it for

This fruit with a sweet and very mild flavor has enormous properties that are very good for the body. First of all, pitahaya is rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidants that ultimately end up protecting the body’s cells. In addition, its seeds not only help a good process of the digestive system but also serve to combat cardiovascular diseases.

The pitahaya, being a fruit with a large amount of water, has great diuretic properties. Not only does it combat fluid retention, but it also regulates blood pressure and prevents constipation problems. And because it is rich in minerals, it can fight anemia and osteoporosis.

pitahaya for weight loss

This fruit has become known because many claim that it is a great ally when it comes to losing weight. When pitahaya is consumed frequently, it generates a thermogenic action that accelerates metabolism, helps eliminate fat and controls appetite.

How to eat pitahaya

Being a fruit, it can be eaten in many ways, since the pulp can be consumed accompanied by other fruits, also in juices, jams or desserts. Although it is also very common that some people prefer to consume it in yogurts, smoothies and even delicious ice creams. To take advantage of all its benefits and see positive results in your health, you can consume it 3 to 4 times a week.

How should you eat pitahaya for constipation?

A very effective treatment for constipation is to consume dragon fruit along with a slice of papaya. You can eat the fruit as it is or prepare a juice that you must consume daily on an empty stomach to eliminate intestinal parasites and this will immediately help digestion.

If you like to take care of your health with fruits, take a look at this note where we tell you what is pineapple for? It has functions that you don’t know about… Vibra is just one click away.