What is pineapple for in men? you did not expect this

If you have ever wondered what is pineapple for in menthe answer will leave you speechless, because the benefits are surprising.

Although there are no «miracle foods», many vegetables and fruits provide various nutrients that can not only help us stay healthy, but can even prevent diseases, and that is the case of pineapple.

Pineapple is a fruit that provides innumerable benefits to human health, as it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and other essential nutrients for good health. Below we give you more details.

We explain what pineapple is for in men

  • It is anti-inflammatorywhich makes it perfect for those men who practice a lot of sports, because it will help control muscle pain.
  • Can prevent cancer: Its antioxidants fight free radicals, guilty of the development of some cancer cells.
  • It is good for the skin: Since many of them do not like to take care of themselves with creams, sunscreen, etc., it is important that they eat pineapple because it helps clean and heal ulcers and improves healing of burns.
  • It helps you lose weight because it provides few calories and causes a feeling of fullness.
  • Benefits intestinal transitsince it is a fruit rich in fiber, so it prevents and treats constipation.
  • detoxify: Pineapple is part of many detox diets, as diuretic properties are attributed to it; some experts say that it helps purify the liver.
  • Forks excellent for the circulatory systemas it can reduce the risk of suffering embolisms.
What effect does pineapple have on men?

It is believed that this fruit is a natural aphrodisiac, but there is also an urban myth that it makes male bodily secretions acquire a sweet taste, And we mean everything that comes out of your body, EVERYTHING! (A good listener few words).

That is why millions of women around the world give pineapple to their partners, in order to fully enjoy certain practices in bed that usually involve the intake of these fluids.

Finally, this tropical fruit is an important source of bromelain, an enzyme that has been studied for its ability to stimulate testosterone production.

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