What is normal & what is not [2024] –

Just like humans, dogs let excess air escape from their digestive tract through their mouths. The result is an audible burp.

If belching occurs occasionally, then it's usually not a cause for concern. However, if it is of a permanent nature, then the underlying cause should be found.

By the way, dogs with flat snouts burp statistically more often. Their short snouts make it much easier for them to swallow air.

These include, among others, all types of bulldogs, some types of mastiffs and designer dogs such as the pug.

Are you worried or unsure? Then click here to start a live chat with a veterinarian.

Causes of increased burping in dogs

Burping is always caused by excess air in the digestive tract. However, there are a total of 8 different triggers for this.

#1 Drinking or eating too quickly

Dogs most often burp when they either drink water too quickly or devour their food too quickly. Because in their haste they often swallow a lot of air.

This usually happens when they are very hungry, thirsty or greedy. It is by far the most common cause. [1]

There are also some dogs who are naturally very voracious and often eat food. These include, among others, the following breeds:

  • Labrador retrievers
  • rottweiler
  • beagle
  • Golden retrievers
  • Great Danes

In other cases, competition with other pets can also be responsible. Because if they don't eat quickly enough, their food may be stolen.

#2 Unfavorable food form

Often it is not the dog food itself, but rather its form that is responsible for frequent belching. Because sometimes it contains indentations in which there is air.

Foods with a donut shape or holes, for example, are predestined for swallowing air. The same also applies to treats.

So if your dog only burps after eating, then the shape could be responsible.

#3 Alkaline diet

All foods have a pH value. If this is between 0 and 7, then they are considered “sour”. Between 7 and 14 we are talking about “basic” and a straight 7 is therefore pH-neutral.

With a predominantly alkaline diet (ph value between 7 and 14), gas forms more as soon as the food comes into contact with the dog's stomach acid. [2]

The result? Constant burping after eating.

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#4 Intolerances or allergies

Frequent belching can also be the result of food intolerances and allergies. Here are the 6 most common triggers in dogs in descending order:

  1. beef
  2. Dairy products
  3. Wheat
  4. Eggs
  5. chicken
  6. lamb

However, there are other potential triggers. In many cases, burping is accompanied by itching, vomiting, diarrhea or weight loss.

Statistically, pugs, German shepherds, bulldogs, dachshunds, golden retrievers, pit bulls, cocker spaniels, Shih-Tzu and Yorkshire terriers are most commonly affected. [3]

#5 Gas-producing foods

Increased belching can also be a symptom of a diet with too much fiber. This is often the case with dog foods with a high grain content.

Other bloating foods include:

  • Beans and lentils
  • Baked goods with baking soda
  • Dairy products
  • Apples and pears
  • Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
  • All grains

In this case, the burping is usually accompanied by flatulence and multiple farts. [4]

#6 Upset stomach

An upset stomach in dogs is often caused by eating garbage. In some cases it is also because your dog has eaten some grass.

The consequences? Burping, diarrhea or even vomiting. Incidentally, very old and very young dogs usually have a much more sensitive digestion.

#7 Disturbed intestinal flora

A disturbed intestinal flora occurs when the bacterial balance gets out of control. So there are too few good and too many bad bacteria in the intestine.

Possible causes for this are:

  • Diet too high in protein (> 30%)
  • Poor quality dog ​​food
  • Sudden change in diet (e.g. switching to BARF)

In this case, the burp often smells like rotten eggs, fish or even feces.

#8 Stomach twist

During gastric torsion, the stomach rotates around its own longitudinal axis. Fortunately, this life-threatening disease is relatively rare.

The exact cause of this is still unclear. However, it occurs more frequently in large dog breeds that are very old. [5]

In addition to a burp, it is usually accompanied by severe restlessness, visible flatulence and gagging without vomiting. [6]

Preventive measures

If your dog burps 1-2 times after a meal, it's usually nothing to worry about. However, if he burps constantly and more frequently, the following measures can help:

A “slow feeder” is a special dog bowl that is designed to reduce the speed at which your dog drinks and eats. This means that slings are not even possible.

Since this is the most common cause of burping, this dog bowl works wonders. I can confirm this from personal experience with my Labrador.

Our recommendation: Anti-sling bowl from Amazon.

With around 7,000 positive reviews on Amazon, this bowl has been the bestseller on Amazon for several years. It is also completely BPA-free and has a non-slip base.

  • Avoid a food competition

If you have several dogs or other pets, there is usually a competition when it comes to eating. To avoid this, you should always feed your pets separately.

Even with our dog “Alex” and our mini pig “Dolce” this happened every day. We now divide them into different rooms for feeding.

  • Reduce the portion size

Instead of 1-2 large meals, you can divide the same amount into 5-6 portions. This is particularly useful for greedy dogs where burping is caused by gobbling.

  • Use a food ball

This means a ball with an opening that you can fill with food. When the dog pushes it, a grain of food falls out every few seconds.

Our recommendation: Food ball from Amazon.

This food ball keeps our dog “Alex” busy for up to 40 minutes. Slinging is not possible here at all.

If the cause of the burping is due to the shape or quality of your dog food, then changing the food may be enough.

It is particularly advisable to consult a veterinarian if further pathological symptoms occur or if constant burping becomes a permanent condition.

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