What is moringa used for in women? the miraculous seed

What is the moringa seed used for in women? Known as the miracle seed or the miracle tree, moringa is widely known for its antioxidant powers that help keep us young.

Its scientific name is Moringa oleifera Lam, is a tropical arboreal plant that offers extraordinary nutritional and antioxidant benefits for health. It has been noted for its enormous medicinal properties to combat degenerative diseases.

ancient medicine

For thousands of years, moringa has been used by our ancestors as a medicinal food. It is cultivated in different tropical regions of the world and has a high medicinal value. Both the fruits, as well as the seeds, flowers, bark, pods, tubers and leaves of moringa, are used as foods rich in vitamins and minerals, in different countries. It has the peculiarity that all parts of the tree are edible.

The same Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognizes the great benefits present in moringa trees. It recommends its consumption in pregnant womensince it contains more calcium than milk and also stimulates the production of breast milk.

What is the moringa seed used for in women?


Large amounts of iron for menopause

Anemia, which is iron deficiency in the body and occurs more frequently in women due to heavy bleeding, pregnancy and menopause. Moringa contains a high iron contentwith a tablespoon of moringa powder you get up to 20% of the necessary daily iron intake.

prevents osteoporosis

the moringa It is the richest source of calcium in the plant kingdom, it even contains much more calcium than milk. For this reason, helps prevent osteoporosis during old age, but it also strengthens the bone system during youth.

In addition, it also contains phosphorus and magnesium. Both minerals are extremely important to keep the nervous system in optimal condition, as well as muscle tone, nails and hair.


Among its secondary metabolites are flavonoids, which act by reducing inflammation. Also are antioxidants, which help the immune system against oxidative stress. They have been related to the prevention of cancerous diseases, that is, that It helps to reduce the probability of suffering from some types of cancer.

Helps the digestive system

The intake of moringa extracts helps to relieve some stomach disorders such as gastritis, constipation and ulcerative colitis.

the moringa is rich in vitamins A, B and C. Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening the immune system and helps maintain healthy eyesight. For its part, vitamin B has as its main function the regulation of energy metabolism and the synthesis of red blood cells. In addition, it helps keep the nervous system in a healthy state.

Vitamin C works as a powerful antioxidant and is extremely important for the skin, bones and connective tissue. In addition, it helps to metabolize iron, also present in moringa.

rich in protein

The plant is also rich in protein, has as much protein as meat, milk or eggs. Its leaves store 27% protein, one of the highest levels present in vegetables.

long live beauty

Moringa is a combo of highly beneficial properties for health, but we must remember that beauty comes hand in hand. Thus, thanks to its levels of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, Moringa is a source of rejuvenation.

Its antioxidant powers from vitamin C and flavonoids help our cells to stay young and face the dreaded oxidative stress that causes aging.

But also, as a cosmetic use, moringa seed oil protects hair against free radicals. Thanks to this, your hair will look clean, radiant but above all, healthy.

If used on the skin, moringa oil helps its maximum hydration and prevent the dreaded dryness. In the same way, the presence of vitamin A, C and E will help to fade facial spots and protect it from UV rays.

Possible side effects

Moringa lowers blood sugar levels. For this reason, its use should be moderatebut it is more than controlled, in people with hypoglycemia.

As expected, this plant provides us with numerous amounts of energy and therefore, should not be consumed before sleeping. The side effect of the plant could produce insomnia.

It should not be taken on an empty stomach, always accompanied by other foods. It can produce gastric sensitivity, irritation or some allergic reactions.

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