What is magnetic hypersensitivity?

Magnetic hypersensitivity

TdF suggested Eduardo Rodrigues

illustrates Flavio Ba

edition Felipe van Deursen

It is a condition where people are said to be affected by magnetic fields or sources of electricity. When they are close to cell phones, Wi-Fi networks or any electrical appliance, their health would be harmed. The World Health Organization does not consider EHS (acronym for “electromagnetic hypersensitivity”) a disease, but a phenomenon. And he recommends psychological treatment to those who call themselves “electrosensitive”. EHS gained prominence in 2015, with the series Better Call Saul (available on Netflix). In it, Chuck McGill (Michael McKean), the protagonist’s brother, suffers from the problem. He avoids leaving the house and forces everyone who visits him to leave cell phones, laptops and even car keys outside. Little known, EHS generates a lot of controversy.

Disease or freshness?

While Science Debates, Two Countries Have Taken Action


Studies carried out in the US and Europe at the beginning of the 21st century (when EHS became better known) show that there is no way to prove a direct relationship between the onset of symptoms and exposure to electromagnetic sources


The medical community is still debating the matter, but two countries already recognize the existence of the problem: Sweden and Canada. In the Scandinavian country, there are even health services where electromagnetic exposure levels are lower than normal


The most common ones recorded are sensitivity to light, distorted vision, tiredness, headaches, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, nausea, palpitations and even paralysis. Many of them are also signs of stress and depression.

Radiation in everyday life

Electric field strength measured in household appliances (* Volts per meter, at a distance of 30 cm)


120 V/m*

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120 V/m*

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80 V/m*


80 V/m*


60 V/m*

Light bulb


One last curiosity

To avoid interference with telescopes, Green Bank (USA) is free from electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the city attracts electrosensitive migrants


– What is bipolar disorder?

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SOURCES Swedish Association for Electrosensitives, Human Rights Commission of Canada, International Journal of Neuroscience, WHO, Louisiana State University (USA)

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