What is lavender for spiritually and lavender bath for love

What is lavender for spiritually and lavender bath for love Plants have always been used in the spiritual and esoteric world and lavender is no exception.

Next, and based on several requests, we are going to explain what lavender is for spiritually and how to prepare a lavender bath for love, but first we will briefly explain the botanical aspect of this plant.


General features

Lavender (whose name comes from the Latin lavare which means to wash) is a sub-shrub of the Labiatae family found in western and southern Europe, as well as in North Africa, especially in limestone, dry and sunny soils.

It measures between 30 and 60 centimeters. Its narrow, lanceolate leaves are greenish gray in color, and its violet-blue flowers are grouped in spikes. It gives off a sweet smell, and its taste is warm and bitter.



What is lavender for spiritually #1 Promotes calm Lavender enters our body and mind as a calming agent that slows down the pace of things and our own pace. It can be used in times of great anxiety, anger, or times of great stress.

We always recommend lighting this incense when people are tense and nervous about something. So if you have been nervous and don’t know how to calm down, you can simply invoke the powers of this incense.

What is lavender for spiritually #2 Tranquility the smell of incense and lavender oil bring a certain tranquility to the environment and to people, which sometimes can even be touched.

This tranquility will be transmitted to all the places where the smoke of the incense reaches. In addition, it will positively affect all the people who pass by. Thus, those who visit your home, for example, will also benefit from this peace of mind.

What is lavender for spiritually #3 Relaxation If you do meditation, the best incense to use while meditating is lavender, because it promotes relaxation of both the muscles and the mind.

It is excellent for those who are very tense, nervous and do not know how to calm down. Light an incense and take advantage of its benefits.

What is lavender for spiritually #4 Sensation of freshness in the mind We will try to express this feeling, it is very similar to the feeling of entering a waterfall on very hot days, or washing your head at home with cold water, this is the feeling that lavender can promote.

the What is lavender for spiritually #5 Harmonization There is no doubt that lavender helps to harmonize people and environments, people because it calms, soothes, relieves pressure, and the environment because the aroma is very good and dissipates negative energies.

What is lavender spiritually good for #6 Good luck The good luck here it is not a direct responsibility of lavender, but indirectly, because once you feel better, more balanced, harmonized with your energies and positive, you end up attracting good luck.

In addition, you will end up attracting more good things into your life. Everything will improve, since lavender only has good spiritual benefits for the body and soul.

So I recommend you light some frankincense or use their oil and give it a try. You can be sure that you will start to feel good from the first use.

What is lavender for spiritually #7 physical and mental rest It is very common to light lavender incense before going to sleep because it calms the body and mind. Normally we turn it on when we get home from work, to cleanse the body and mind of all the bad things, stress, negative energies and tiredness that we bring.

Therefore, this incense promotes incredible physical, mental and spiritual rest and relaxation. When you turn one on you will quickly realize it.

What is lavender for spiritually # 8 Helps fight problems With all these spiritual benefits, it is clear that lavender will help us combat life’s problems. It will help us calm down and have more strength, patience and reflection when it comes to solving a problem.

You can and should light this incense when you have problems, because these spiritual benefits will help you solve them in the best way.

What is lavender for spiritually #9 Cleanses bad energies This perk is one of the best, we shouldn’t have left it for last! Lavender is capable of cleaning and removing bad energies from a certain environment and person.

Thus, if you light your incense in your house you will have a cleaning of negative energies in the house, but also in the people who live in it. Not only you will enjoy the spiritual benefits of incense, but all the people who live in that house.

What is lavender for spiritually #10 Clear bad thoughts Is your head full of negative thoughts? Now that you know what lavender is for, you can figure it out in no time!

Light its incense or use its oil, relax and enjoy, because the bad thoughts will simply disappear from your head. You just have to enjoy, relax and let this incense do its work in your life.


Other magical uses

As for esoteric lavender, here are some of its uses:

  • Rub the arches of your feet with oil to cleanse your energy field
  • Apply a drop of oil to the top of your forehead and anoint your forehead in a downward motion to draw your spirit into your body and open your crown chakra.
  • Purify your candles and ritual tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energy they contain.
  • Purify yourself by bathing and adding 8 to 10 drops of oil. Soak in the bath for 30 minutes.
  • Balance your energy fields by massaging some oil gently into the outer ear
  • Clear your mind by adding oil to a diffuser. Inhale positive energy along with the lavender steam and exhale negative thoughts. Repeat this until you feel clear and positive

If you are a believer in the Chakras, the 7 energy centers contained within us, then lavender is a great tool for you. Blockages within these chakras caused by negative energy can cause serious emotional and sometimes physical disorders. Lavender is a spiritual energy purifier and will release and cleanse these negative energies so that you are balanced again.

Purple is also the color associated with the crown chakra. The crown chakra is associated with our higher purpose and spiritual connections, which is why lavender is an important spiritual herb in general.

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lavender bath for love

With lavender you can prepare a love ritual which consists of getting a blackberry-colored candle and writing the name of the loved one on it.

Then the candle is surrounded with lavender flowers and lit for 7 consecutive nights or until the candle burns out.

When lighting the candle, say out loud «Name of the person, come to me with confidence and much love»

Likewise, a white bag filled with dried lavender flowers that surrounded the candle should be carried.


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