What is horsetail for? we have the answer

If you still don’t know the horsetail what is it foryou are missing out on a medicinal plant that could be the best way to combat some ills of the body and even of the soul.

The popular plant known in the markets as horsetail, belongs to the equisetum genus and generally grows in temperate climates. Thanks to its various properties, it would reduce fluid retention and adequately maintain the kidneys, bladder and even the small intestine.

We want to tell you what olive oil with lemon is for and, incidentally, show you all the benefits that horsetail could provide for the health of the whole family. Take note and put into practice these little tricks that we have for you:

What is horsetail tea for?

Of course we are talking about a natural diuretic drink. Precisely this tea, could be in some cases a good way to combat fluid retention. Also, this infusion would have anti-inflammatory actions in the kidneys and the digestive tract, at the same time that it would be very useful for losing weight by releasing toxins in the body. In some cases, it would additionally strengthen and improve the quality of bone functions.

Horsetail what is it for on the skin

This very special plant would be ideal for improving the appearance of the skin and nails, since it has a high content of silica, a substance that would have functions similar to those of amino acids. In this way, the horsetail would build a protective layer to strengthen the nails and make them grow faster. The dermis would also benefit, since it would stimulate the production of collagen, the quality and elasticity of the skin.

Horsetail what is it for in the hair

When applied directly to the hair, horsetail extract would resolve the appearance of gray hair at an early age. It would also help provide greater contrast and shine to the hair, providing essential vitamins. In addition, it would be a good way to increase hair growth, combat its continuous fall and to improve its strength and nutrition. You could make an extract (infuse) with water and the plant, and then apply to the hair for 15 minutes.

Horsetail what is it for to lose weight

When you decide to drink water and infusions of horsetail, you would be increasing urination in quantity and consistency throughout the day. Through urine, the plant purifies the kidneys while eliminating concentrated fat, increasing sweating to lose weight in a controlled manner and without changing your eating habits. It is recommended to drink a cup of the infusion with horse water 3 or 4 times a week, only on an empty stomach.

At Vibra, we know that your well-being is the most important thing and that’s why we want you to know, What is green coffee for? A very useful product for health.