What is Graphology?


It is the analysis of a person’s personality based on marks inserted unconsciously in the writing. Graphologists believe that the mind, by commanding the muscles of the hand, hides messages in traces of letters and words. These details – which vary from the size to the format of the writing – represent lived experiences, traumas and personality characteristics.

Even without scientific basis, graphology is used in the treatment of psychological disorders and in job interviews. The first books on the subject were published in Italy, at the beginning of the 17th century, but the study of writing only started to be taken seriously by the French, in the 19th century. Check below how the writing style is analyzed to create a profile psychological.


Would it represent the attention given to genetic inheritance (and the interior) or the environment in which we grew up (and the outside world)

1A You are introverted, inhibited and subjective

1B You are controlled, rational and polite

1C You are extroverted, optimistic and sociable


It would mirror extroversion or shyness. The bigger the word, the more the person is exposed in everyday life. If it is small, the author hides like the word he writes

2A You are shy, cautious and modest

2B You are balanced, organized and reserved.

2C You are extroverted, impulsive and arrogant


By establishing links between facts, rational people would have letters closer together. Writing “disconnected” would indicate someone who does not see the world as a mesh of relationships. (It is common for two characteristics to appear combined in the same writing. In this case, it should be noted which form predominates)

3A You are logical, rational and good at calculations

3B You are dynamic and extremely rational

3C You are intuitive, introverted and shy


Highlighting the top of the writing would indicate priority for intellectual and spiritual matters. Valuing the lower part would represent attachment to instincts and sexuality. If two zones are explored at the same time, the characteristics are added

4A You are religious, idealistic and imaginative

4B You are controlled, accommodated and short-sighted.

4C You are vigorous, practical and expressive

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Do the words stay close to each other or spread out? This characteristic would reveal emotional limitations in the relationship with other people

5A You are frank, insightful and spontaneous

5B You are reserved, fearful and suspicious

5C You are dissatisfied, distrustful and pessimistic

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In graphology, a person’s mood would manifest itself in the posture of the body – and, by extension, in the «posture» of the line on the paper.

6A You are optimistic, exalted and euphoric

6B You are conventional, calm and collected.

6C You are pessimistic, depressed and melancholy

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Decorating the letters too much or writing with simple shapes would show how the person deals with societal pressures and demands

7A You are exhibitionist, fake and narcissistic

7B You are perfectionist, neurotic and detail oriented

7C You are traditional, orderly and discreet


Well-marked words would indicate the use of a lot of energy in any activity. Faint, hard-to-read strokes would mean little commitment to tasks

8A You are sensitive, religious and lazy

8B You are firm, balanced and stable

8C You are authoritative, persuasive and rigid

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9A You are cautious, submissive and immature

9B You are calm, down-to-earth and accommodating

9C You are agile, decisive and a good leader


Your way of writing your name on documents would indicate very personal qualities and defects

dash in name indicates low self-esteem

dash in last name indicates good self-esteem

Readability indicates sincerity

Illegibility indicates dissimulation

CONSULTANCY Jose Bosco, author ofGraphology: The Science of Writingand Paulo Sergio de Camargo, graphologist

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