What is flaxseed for? These are its best uses

If you still don’t know what is flaxseed for, You will be interested in knowing all the benefits that this seed brings to your body.

These are times when people decide to consume natural foods and juices that give well-being to health. Flaxseed is a great example, as it is known to be very functional, especially for digestive issues.

The time has come! We are going to tell you about the advantages of using flaxseed for you and obviously, the way in which you can also apply it in easy home remedies for skin and hair. Pay attention:

What role does flaxseed have in the body?

The digestive system would perhaps be the big winner when you decide to take flaxseed. Among the most striking advantages is that it could work as a great laxative, control cholesterol, fight constipation, it would also be attributed to be a natural diuretic and of course, everyone’s favorite: would allow you to lose weight.

How do you take flaxseed for weight loss?

Because it is high in dietary fiber, it would make it easier to feel full and prevent you from overeating.

To take advantage of its «powers» to lose weight, you can mix four tablespoons of flaxseed in a liter of water and let it sit overnight. The next day, you should drink this mixture (without ingesting the seeds) throughout the day to hydrate yourself.

What is ground flaxseed for?

Another good way to include it in the diet is to add it ground as it is easier to digest than whole flaxseed. People say that would contribute as an antioxidant in the body, it would also eliminate toxins and in cases that science has not yet reliably proven, it would be anticancer. You could try adding a teaspoon in nuts, chopped fruit, drinks such as natural juices or water.

What is flaxseed used for in hair?

Flaxseed could be useful because it would balance the pH of the scalp, nourish the hair, and prevent the appearance of the fungus that causes dandruff. A good recommendation would be a flaxseed gel, made by mixing 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of the flaxseeds, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You just have to boil the water with the flaxseeds until it becomes a little hard. Add the tablespoon of lemon and mix, letting it act until the content has the appearance of a gel. Apply every day to comb your hair.

What is flaxseed for on the skin?

Flaxseed contains substances that would help soften the skin and in some cases reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lighten blemishes, and even combat breakouts caused by acne. You could apply the flaxseed water on your face for about 15 minutes a day, to hydrate properly.

How long to take flaxseed water to lose weight?

The best option would be to consume flaxseed for about two months in a row and rest a month before consuming it again. Remember that this product does not work miracles, you must accompany its intake with a balanced diet and physical activity.

How many times a day should you drink flaxseed water?

you can take it all day, just like you drink juices or regular water to hydrate. You could also drink a glass of flaxseed water a reasonable time before each meal.

Do you use flaxseed for anything? Tell the entire Vibrate community your answer in a comment on our social networks.