What is exogestation or external gestation? – Online Psychologists

Before knowing what it consists of exogestationwe must be clear about what gestation is. Gestation is the period of time between conception and the birth of the baby. During this period the fetus develops and grows inside the mother's uterus.

Since the woman becomes pregnant, the term is used gestational ageThis concept describes how far along the pregnancy is. It is measured in weeks and goes from the last day of the woman's menstrual cycle to the date she is currently on.

It is normal and usual for a pregnancy to last 38 to 42 weeksBabies born before week 37 are considered premature. After week 42, they are called postmature.

How many stages are there in pregnancy?

As we have mentioned above, human pregnancy usually lasts between 37 and 42 weeks. Experts point out that it is normal for the baby to be born in the week 40.

There are three stages of pregnancy and each of them corresponds to a trimester. A pregnancy is equivalent to nine months in which the woman's body experiences many physical and hormonal changes, as a result of the baby's development.

In the first weeks of pregnancy the woman suffers hormonal changes very intense. These can cause different symptoms such as a feeling of fatigue, nausea, vomiting, swelling or tenderness in the breasts, mood swings or cravings, among others.

Some women may experience many or even most of these symptoms. However, they always There are exceptions in which women do not feel any discomfort in this first stage.

During this time, the baby develops by leaps and bounds. heart starts beatingthe skull and limbs begin to develop. It is precisely at the end of this trimester that the sex of the baby can be known.

Of the three stages of pregnancy, this is the stage in which discomfort is usually more bearable. The body has become accustomed to the hormonal change and the belly begins to growThe baby continues to develop, many of the bones begin to form. internal organs.

In addition, the mother may notice some of the baby movements. The baby is already able to suck, scratch, hear and swallow. That is why they say that during these months it is good to talk to the mother's belly or play music for it.

This is the last stage of pregnancy. The baby is already growing at an accelerated rate. The uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder and stomach. Because of this, the mother may be forced to eat less or urinate frequently.

Due to the increase in the size of the belly, pains in the pubic bone, lower back, or groin.

Here the baby's movements are no longer soft and light. He begins to kick hard and generates contractions. In the last few weeks, the baby no longer has room to move due to its size. Once the lungs have developed, the baby will be ready to be born.

Does pregnancy end in the last trimester?

The fact that the baby is born does not mean that it is fully formed. That is why it is necessary to finish the process after it is born. A period called exogestation or the second nine months of “pregnancy.”

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What is exogestation?

The term exogestation refers to the nine months after deliveryin which the baby needs his mother. He needs to feel warmth, protection and security. that she felt inside the womb while adapting to her life outside the womb.

Human beings are born poorly developed and need to continue developing outside the womb. To do this they need physical contactthat the baby is skin to skin with the mother. That the mother carries the baby in her arms or with her as much as possible, similar to what kangaroo mothers do.

The baby is a person who is completely dependent on his parents. He has not yet learned to communicate, walk or eat alone. That is why he needs constant attention and protection, since it does not have the ability to move freely or feed itself.

Unlike animals, when we are born we are still dependent on our mother if we want to survive. That is why a human baby needs to continue developing after being born.

Human beings need a “second pregnancy”. A kind of process in which we adapt to life. That is, an exterogestation or external gestation. At this stage babies will need more or less another nine months of development. A period in which will finish forming.

Why are human beings born without completing our development?

Humans are considered the most intelligent species in the world. But this brings with it a small obstacle. The development of our brain requires a larger skull size than other species.. A skull that must fit and be able to pass through the birth canal when we are born. This does not make it possible for it to develop 100% in the uterus, since otherwise the birth of the baby would not be possible. This problem is known as “obstetric dilemma”.

The relationship between the baby's head and its exit channel to the outside prevents the skull from growing inside. Because of this, We are born without completing our development and therefore, it takes time for the brain to develop and the skull to consolidate.

Human babies are born when their brain only has one 25% development. As a result, they are forced to continue their development outside the womb. That is, they are completely dependent on the care of their parents.

Why is exogestation or external gestation necessary?

When we are born, our bones and skull are malleable. Because of this, we need more time after birth to fully form and develop. This is not only beneficial on a physical level. attachment from our parents is also essential for a good emotional development, intellectual and psychological.

Perhaps at first we think that the constant warmth or affection of the mother makes the baby get used to it, a fact that makes the child depend on his parents constantly in the long run.

However, this period of exogestation proves to be a advantageWe all learn what we know from our peers, from language and walking on two feet to values ​​and behaviors. The baby learns from everything around himis able to participate in the environment from the mother's arms. He receives the necessary stimuli to develop their potential.

Therefore, external gestation or exogestation is necessary for babies to complete their development. It is a stage in which anything will influence the physical, emotional and psychological development of thisA good external gestation will determine the child's good behavior, intelligence, and emotional stability in the future.

If you don't know how to deal with the situation, you can always ask for help. A psychologist will help you develop tools if you think there is a lack of attachment to the baby.

In we offer you the help of online psychologistsThey will offer you a series of mechanisms so that you can help your baby develop and ensure that he or she will be able to enjoy a full emotional life in the long term.