What is EMDR therapy and what does it consist of?

Most people who have suffered some kind of trauma usually go to a psychologist to be able to overcome it with the help of a professional and to overcome it. Among the ways that the psychologist can help you is the therapy EDMR.

What is EMDR therapy?

The Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) (by its acronym in English) is a technique that serves to work on the traumatic events that a person may have suffered and cannot overcome because the memory is blocked. This treatment is based on stimulating both parts of the brain in patients through movements, blows, etc.

When you suffer a trauma it may happen that your brain does not remember or block that memory as a form of protection so that you cannot remember what happened. This type of therapy aims to recover those memories so that you can overcome the traumatic event that affects you.

What is online EMDR therapy for?

EMDR therapy is a psychological therapy used to treat various emotional and psychological disorders. Here we explain the main objectives and benefits of this therapy:

  1. Trauma processing: EMDR therapy is primarily used for the treatment of emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic experiences, and other related emotional problems.
  2. Development of self-esteem: This therapy is also used to help people develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence, through the elimination of negative and self-limiting thoughts and feelings.
  3. Treatment of anxiety disorders: EMDR therapy via video conferencing may also be effective in treating anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, social phobia, and other anxiety disorders.
  4. Stress reduction: EMDR therapy in Psychiatry can help reduce overall stress and anxiety levels, which can be beneficial for people with emotional and psychological disorders.
  5. Developing resilience: Remote EMDR therapy can also help people develop a greater ability to cope with difficult and stressful situations, increasing their resilience and adaptability.
  6. Improving emotional well-being: Overall, EMDR therapy can help people feel more balanced and in control of their emotions, improving their overall emotional well-being.

In short, EMDR online therapy is a psychological technique effective for the treatment of emotional trauma and other psychological disordersThis therapy helps people process traumatic experiences and overcome negative thoughts and feelings, improving their emotional well-being and ability to cope with difficult and stressful situations.

How does EMDR therapy work?

Traumatic events are not easy to manage and overcome. As we often do not have the necessary tools to manage them, we tend to think that the passage of time will heal emotional wounds. However, letting it go can be worse for your mental and physical health. You may find yourself Overwhelmed by negative emotions and that will impact your quality of life.

If you have gone through a traumatic event and you find it difficult to move on with your life, the best option is go to therapy. A psychologist Online counseling can help you overcome negative thoughts and learn to manage your emotions. It won't give you the solution to the problem, but you will work together periodically to learn to recognize and manage feelings and work on trauma and your self-esteem.

In EMDR therapy we will work so that you can reach remember, come to terms with and manage the details of the traumatic event. The methods used in this therapy are:

  • Eye movements. The patient follows the finger back and forth. This movement, similar to that which occurs during sleep, can stimulate your brain and help you unlock some memories.
  • Sounds. Through sounds or music, the patient can also stimulate the brain and this will help him or her to try to remember the facts.
  • Light blowsAnother method in therapy is through small blows to the knees.

Through these working methods the patient will be able to connect with your memoriesso that, once remembering and being aware of the real situation, I can overcome it.

In therapy, trauma will be addressed from the beginning, so that the person who has suffered the trauma has toto clearly and thoroughly record everything you rememberThe psychologist will try to analyze the case in order to know the most effective process for the patient and work on different aspects that may benefit him/her.

The patient who comes to therapy wants to overcome the trauma that affects and limits him, therefore, he must be able to face the memory that his mind has blocked. A psychologist can also help him in many other aspects, as previously mentioned, to work precisely on the managing feelings And this will apply to all aspects of your life. In addition, learning to recognize, accept and manage emotions is beneficial for the quality of your life and psychological health. An online psychologist can help you improve your emotional health.

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Phases of EMDR therapy

EMDR therapy treatment generally follows a structured process consisting of several phases:

In general, EMDR therapy is a structured process that takes place over a number of sessions. The number of sessions required depends on the type and severity of the disorder, as well as the patient's response to treatment.

  1. AssessmentIn the first phase, the therapist conducts a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history and symptoms. The therapist also determines the suitability of EMDR therapy for the patient and sets treatment goals.
  2. PreparationIn this phase, the therapist helps the patient develop coping and relaxation skills to manage unpleasant memories and feelings that may arise during EMDR therapy.
  3. AccessibilityDuring this phase, the therapist helps the patient identify the specific traumatic event to be processed. The patient learns to identify the images, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations associated with the trauma.
  4. DesensitizationIn this phase, the therapist uses eye movements or some other type of bilateral stimulation (such as hand tapping) to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain while the patient focuses on the memory of the traumatic event. This helps desensitize the patient's emotional response to that event.
  5. ReprocessingDuring this phase, the therapist helps the patient reevaluate negative thoughts and beliefs related to the trauma, and replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts and beliefs.
  6. ConsolidationIn the final phase, the therapist helps the patient consolidate the positive changes that have been made in EMDR therapy, and plan strategies to maintain those changes in the long term.

Is EMDR therapy exclusive for traumatic events?

EMDR therapy, although little known, is one of the most widely used in psychology. It is true that it is known for being used to overcome traumatic events, however, there are other types of diagnoses with which it can be used:

  • Anxiety.
  • Phobias.
  • Depression.
  • Psychotic disorder.
  • Addictions.
  • Abuse (physical and sexual violence).

These are some of the cases in which this therapy can be used, although there are many more. It is important to know that it is the psychologist who will determine what type of therapy you will work on in the sessions, it does not have to be this specific one. Each patient is different and has a different problem adapted to their situation and personality, therefore, the professional will try to adjust the therapy to the form and pace appropriate for the patient.

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What do experts think about this therapy?

EMDR therapy has been the subject of many studies and research in recent years and expert opinion has generally been positive. Below are some of the expert opinions on EMDR therapy:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO):The WHO has included EMDR therapy in its list of recommended treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  2. American Psychological Association (APA):The APA has recognized EMDR therapy as an effective practice for the treatment of PTSD and other emotional and psychological disorders.
  3. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):The NIMH has funded several studies on EMDR therapy and has found it to be an effective treatment for PTSD and other emotional disorders.
  4. EMDR International Association (EMDRIA): EMDRIA is a professional organization that promotes the practice of EMDR therapy. According to this organization, EMDR therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of emotional and psychological disorders.

Overall, EMDR therapy has been widely researched and is considered an effective treatment for PTSD and other emotional and psychological disorders. However, as with any treatment, it is important to seek out a qualified and experienced therapist for the best results.

Tips to get the most out of EMDR therapy

The way you perceive things influences how you behave and how you handle the situations you face every day. This means that although there are many factors that influence the success of therapy, your attitude towards it can also affect the results you get. Therefore, it is important that you maintain a positive and open attitude towards therapy in order to get the best possible results.

If you are going to start with EMDR therapy, here are some tips that can help you:

  1. Find a therapist with experience in EMDR: It is important to find a therapist with experience and training in EMDR to ensure the treatment is effective and safe.
  2. Make sure you feel comfortable with the therapist: EMDR therapy can be an emotionally intense process, so it is important to feel comfortable and safe with your therapist in order to open up and work through your trauma effectively.
  3. Get ready to talk about your traumas: EMDR therapy involves remembering and reliving traumatic experiences, so it is important to be prepared to talk about them and be willing to work through them.
  4. Be patient and…