What is drunkorexia? – Online Psychologists

The eating disorders are a clear example that pathologies related to mental health can translate into problems at a physical level. An inadequate diet will make us weaker and will favor the appearance of diseases. One of the eating disorders that is gaining ground among young people is drunkorexia.

The drunkorexia It is a trend that consists of not eating anything in order to compensate for the calories ingested after a night of partying in which alcohol was the protagonist. It is not yet classified as a clinical phenomenon, but it is an increasingly common behaviour in the 16-24 age group.

As Albert Espelt, head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences on the Manresa campus of the University of Vic, explains, Women are more likely to suffer from eating disorders

What are the characteristics of the drunkorexia?

Experts do not know if the drunkorexia will definitely enter the list of eating disorders (TCA) or will it be a simple passing fadHowever, whether temporary or not, it remains a real problem that can leave serious consequences for those who practice it.

This is a dual pathologysince people who suffer from it usually also suffer other psychological disorder as can be anorexia.

The drunkorexia It is based on a mistaken belief that people with this problem believe that they can counteract the calories provided by alcohol by eliminating food.

However, we are not dealing with the same type of calories. After all, alcoholic beverages have empty calories, while those in foods are They provide energy for everyday activities.

What are the most common reasons?

What causes the drunkorexia?

  • Improving social interactions: Alcohol disinhibits some of the mechanisms that are active in a state of total sobriety. This makes interaction and social relationships easier, because you are in the middle of a pleasant environment where people want to have a good time.
  • Eliminating negativity: Negative emotions disappear. A drinker momentarily forgets about loneliness, boredom or sadness. This happens because of the coping impulses produced by alcohol.
  • The low self-esteemwhich can transform the perception of one's own body and lead those who suffer from it to suffer from body dissatisfaction that they believe can only be solved by achieving a thin body.
  • The influence of the social networkswhich show a sugarcoated reality where perfect bodies are the norm. The popularization of filters has made self-esteem problems even worse.
  • Difficulty regulating emotions.

If you suffer drunkorexia or you recognize some of these behaviors in yourself, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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How do we prevent the drunkorexia?

The ideal strategy to stop this trend is make access to alcohol as difficult as possible to minors.

In addition, it would be advisable to train school staff to detect alcohol and food-related problems in their students. Prompting the warning in time is a key step in dealing with these issues.

As for the treatment to follow, once the drunkorexia It's real, they should intervene a psychologistThe treatment to follow in these cases is similar to the rest of TCA. In the case of alcohol addiction, we should follow a parallel treatment. Thus, the treatment of alcohol addiction drunkorexia It may be different in each case.

Eating disorders are complexesbecause the patient's mind is full of thoughts that distort reality. These are disorders that are very difficult to overcome alone, so exceptional psychological help is necessary.

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