What is cognitive ergonomics in the workplace? – Online Psychologists

Company managers and people with a higher status within the company evaluate their employees by various variables, both qualitative and quantitative. One of the aspects to which they pay a lot of attention is the performance that a worker offers them. For get some numbers that attract attention and bet on your continuity you should develop cognitive ergonomics.

In this article, you will be able to see how this term influences the way you approach your daily work. Cognitive ergonomics can be a a before and after in your work environment, if this concept was totally unknown to you.

What is cognitive ergonomics?

The cognitive ergonomics It is a concept that has to do with the way in which a worker organizes his tasks within his area of ​​activity. The worker will have in mind issues such as the different tools to be used in his work and the personal skills to be able to have control over the tasks to be performed. In short, it is a bidirectional practice in which the symbiosis between individual and tools is evaluated.

The tools and work environment to be used by employees must offer the maximum possible safety. Cognitive ergonomics must ensure that the use of tools and workplaces are not a threat to health. safety effectiveness does not have to be at odds with speed when completing the work.

Cognitive ergonomics puts the accidents involuntary in the spotlight. An example of these accidents could be a human error by an airplane pilot that causes an accident with serious consequences. The role of cognitive ergonomics is to find solutions, whether in design or work environment issues. By improving certain issues, this can be reduced. issues which may increase the risk of experiencing difficulties with stress or anxiety.

How is this concept developed in the work?

Cognitive ergonomics serves as Support for various factors of the economy, science and industries. This concept is supported by a host of professionals such as doctors, psychologists, hygienists, architects and many others. The worker develops a method suitable for the work environment, to contribute to a better realization of the job and development of communication with the rest of their classmates. Some elements for practicing these methods are:

  • Work should be done comfortably: The job must fit the physical and mental characteristics of the employee. This information must be collected, tested, remembered and, if necessary, transformed in the brain. For cognitive ergonomics, knowledge of the intellectual functions of the worker is essential. Aspects such as furniture, machines, equipment, tools, etc.
  • Support and fun is necessary: You have no doubt about this confusion. Of course, strictness and seriousness must prevail at work. However, during the work day there must be oases of tranquility and fun so as not to make the eight hours you have to spend locked in an office unbearable.
  • Improving the work environment: Each employee must identify the possible faults that prevent the comfort mentioned above from being achieved. This area includes the prevention of physical discomfort, whether due to personal accidents or back problems caused by sitting in a bad position, for example.
  • Establish relationships with colleagues from the same department and from different areas:Working groups are useful for these aspects. Above all, seek relationships with colleagues to build strength in relation to issues of workplace safety and prevention of physical and psychological risks to workers.

Organization in the work environment should be considered a priority by employees. If you feel in control of your professional career, the anxiety caused by the uncertainty will disappear. If you are not familiar with the tools, it may be time to seek professional help to achieve a peaceful working environment.

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