What is camphor for? Not even grandma told you

Very few of us received as children the teaching of what is camphor fora natural product that generates confusion.

Well, the first thing is to know what camphor is. It is a white substance with a very particular smell, which is obtained through the camphor tree or lauraceous-type plants.

Knowing what it is, we are going to tell you what camphor is used for and you will surely want to put it to the test to see if the wisdom of the grannies was true.

What is camphor with alcohol for?

You may be able to get it as camphorated alcohol in some places. In some cases it would serve to relieve localized muscle pain or as a painkiller in external use for nervous system problems, such as rheumatism. It should not be abused in its consumption and it must be taken into account that you may or may not have results with its intake.

What is camphor with baby oil for?

If you do not know what camphor with baby oil is for, we will tell you that it could help you lose measurements or generate in your body the sensation of releasing dead cells. This formula is commonly used to make a slimming cream by mixing camphor with baby oil and letting this mixture rest for 24 hours.

Wearing it on the navel

What is the use of camphor in the navel? There are those who claim that this product applied in the areas near the navel stimulates sweating and helps eliminate fluids and toxins retained in the body.

What is camphor for on the skin?

One of the advantages of this product is that it is quickly absorbed by the skin. This solution applied to the dermis generates a sensation of relief (similar to that given by menthol) for redness caused by acne, for example, or as a local anesthetic.

And in the hair?

What is camphor used for in hair? It can be very good for hair care. Many times it is used as a treatment for its fall since it strengthens the root; As if that were not enough, it also has benefits when it comes to eliminating dandruff, accompanied by massages mixing it with coconut oil for the skin.

What is camphor for in the house

When you ask yourself what is the use of camphor in the house, factories or offices, we tell you that it would become a purifier of the environment. It would help in certain cases to eliminate bad energies and relieve tensions through aromatherapy, either in products such as incense or essences.

To learn about other formulas for body care such as those offered by castor oil, you are only one click away from Vibra showing it to you.

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